Chap. 10

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When the flight attendant says we've landed I get my stuff and patiently wait to get off, when we do finally get off we get in a cab and go to our hotel. I get there and I get a room with Kian bc we've became so close and I love himmm (as a friend chilll) and I unpack my stuff it's around 1:40 so I'm tired from the night before and don't feel good so I ask someone to go with me to get some medicine from the Rite Aid down the street and Adym says he'll take me so I get my Nike gold slides on

 I get there and I get a room with Kian bc we've became so close and I love himmm (as a friend chilll) and I unpack my stuff it's around 1:40 so I'm tired from the night before and don't feel good so I ask someone to go with me to get some medicin...

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and I'm ready he grabs the keys from Will and we walk to the elevator, he looks at me and smiles and I look at him and say "what?" while giggling and he says "you look so beautiful even half hungover and no makeup" he kinda blushes and dammit I blush super hard. I look at the ground and say thank you very shyly and we get out of the elevator and get to the car. He opens the door and says "my lady" and I say "thank you kind gentle men" and we both laugh he gets in and starts the car. I turn on the radio and nothing good is playing so o just turn it off, I'm just looking at the view of Houston and then Adym reaches over and grabs my thigh (OML THATS MY WEAKNESS) and I let out almost like a small moan and he goes up a little further and I gasp just a little and then we pull up and we get out and walk in. I actually need a couple things so I tell Adym "hey I need actually like 3 things so you can just stay here or come in" and he comes in with me, I look and I need
Makeup wipes
Contact solution
Night quill &
Coffee grounds

So I start with the coffee and I find vanilla bean Starbucks kind so I grab that and then I get makeup wipes, then contact solution and when I was in the aisle this like 47 year old dude was looking me up and down and Adym saw and Came up to me and put his arm around me and put his hand right above my butt but worked it's way down. I look at him and whisper thank you and the guy goes away but Adym stays in this position. We need to leave bc I'm getting in the mood to do some nasty things rn to Adym


So I hurry up and get what I need and pay. Adym says "why are you in such a rush" and I just say really quickly "oh no reason" and I get in and I just stare ahead of me and keep thinking don't do anything you'll regret, don't do anything you'll regret, don't do anything you'll regret and the Adym says "you seem tense is something bothering you?" I just say "no nothing at all why" and he doesn't believe it at all but we get back to the hotel and get in the elevator as soon as the doors close I can't help myself anymore so I push Adym up against the wall and connect our lips and we have a full on makeup and when the elevator doors open we are still in an intense make out and I pull away and say hold on. I get inside and tell Kian Jc needs help downstairs in the car and he says ok I'll be right back and once he's out of site I pull Adym into the room and we continue to do what we were doing in the elevator and the pulls his shirt off and I do the same I'm in my blue laced bra and dark blue pink underwear, I get up I'll really quick and lock the door than run back to the bed and I Adym starts giving me hella hickeys done my neck and my stomach all the way down to my shorts and pulled them off with ease. We both are under the covers at this point and Adym already has his Calvin Klein boxers off and he is slowly and gently taking my pink underwear off and he puts it in and I moan, he starts going in and out and I moan more and more as he goes faster and I roll my eyes and my I start to kiss his neck I nibble a little on his lips put leave a couple hickeys on his neck and just as I'm about to cum I dig my nails into his back and he's enjoys it and then we finish he goes on the bathroom to clean up and I start getting my bra and underwear back on and I decide I'm just sleeping in that. I ask Adym if he wants to stay and he says yeah so I crawl in bed and and wait for Adym. I'm freezing and Adym must have realized bc he pulls closer and I fell asleep wrapped around him.

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