“My home” I said as I grab him and we headed to our destination.

Jeylo’s POV

“My home” Luke replied as he grabbed my arm.

His home?, So is he taking me to his real home?

I mean, is he planning to introduce me to his parents already?

Well,I know  that were both guys and he will just introduce me as his friend, but isn’t this so sudden? I’m not prepared and I’m so nervous.

And the other thing is…

Why are we entering a forest?

I know that Luke is somewhat a gangster type, but does he actually live in this forest? Oh no, don’t tell me he’s one of those what they call as terrorists who usually hide in secluded areas like this.

“Were here” Luke said in excitement.

I was so dumbfounded when I saw a giant gate right before my eyes.

And then there were also huge poles surrounded by wires which is very unusual for me.

I started feeling uneasy.

Oh no? Is Luke really a terrorist?

I’ve seen it on television shows, terrorists usually have their secret hide outs and stuff.

I saw him went closer at the left side of the gate, as he opened a box-like material attached on it.

He leaned closer to it and a blue light started scanning his eyes.

I was so stunned. I mean this kind of stuff really exist?

“Subject Identified”

A certain voice said and the giant gate started to open.

And then

My jaw dropped in amusement.

Luke really is…..

“Welcome home Youngmaster!”

“Eh? Youngmaster?” I said in a loud tone as I pointed Luke.

He just shrugged his shoulders as he looked at me and then to those men in black saying

“I’m home guys” 

Then he casually clinged into my arms as he dragged me towards a very big mansion.

As he released me from his grip. I immediately asked him so many things.

“Wait , is this really your house? I mean ,are you really a youngmaster? So you’re actually very rich right? Are those men in black you’re servants? So, your not a terrorist right?or a syndicate? A mafia, whatsoever?

And then, Luke just burst out laughing.

“Youngmaster Lu, welcome back” a dignified looking man in glasses said , which made Luke straighten himself.

“Hi Cliff, long time no see” Luke said.

“Youngmaster Lu, it seemed like you never changed for the past few months”

“Geez, Cliff, stop with the honorifics..Uhhmn, by the way, this is Jey” Luke said in excitement as he introduced  me.

The dignified  man looked at me with a serious expression on his face.

“I’m Cliff Stevenson, youngmaster Lu’s personal butler..nice meeting you, Mr.Jey”he said stretching his hand to me.

“I’m Jeylo Linsky,nice meeting you Mister butler” I said smiling as I shake his hand, trying to hide my nervousness.

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