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It was the next day when you and david spend the whole day together, mostly outside to spend hours under the clear sky and eventually under the starry night until after a late dinner in town. On your way back you bought envelopes and
letter paper along with some ballpens to take with you in your suitcase the next day.

You woke up, looking at the clock above the door, it said 6AM. You got up and stretched. "Love? David, wake up please." You whispered as you softly carresed his cheek. David smiled softly as he peaked open his eyes and wrapped an arm around you waist. "Good morning," he whispered as he embraced you gently. "Goodmorning handsome, can you let me go? We are in a little of a hurry." You whisper before
kissing his cheek. He frowned slightly as his arm slipped away from your waist. "Do you need me to drive you to the airport?" You nodded and stood to put on your clothes. "Yes please." "It's such a shame you have to look so pretty right now and you have to leave," he spoke as he sat up."Come on David, don't make me feel like crap now." You turned to him and held his hands. Wanting to crawl back in bed and cuddle more then ever at the sight of his messy hairdo and sleepy face.He rubbed his face and the back of his neck before stretching and standing to look for his clothes. "Sorry, (Y/N). Better go brush your teeth so you can pack it." "I will, I don't have time to eat.. guess I'll have to eat breakfast on the plane." You groan before leaving the bedroom to enter the bathroom to brush your teeth and fix your hair.

For a moment you just stared at yourself before spotting your luggage in the corner of your eye. You cleaned your toiletary before outting them in one of the bags before getting down the stairs with them.David had rushed from the closet to the kitchen for his car keys and to make a piece of toast, just as a snack to hold you over. "Here, munch on this and I'll load your bags," he spoke softly, already slipping a duffle bag onto his shoulder."Alright, let's go." You chuckled as you took a bite and plucked your coat from a hanger in the corridor before walking out with him.David smiled as he leaned forward to place his key in the car door, hearing the clicking of the locks, he then opened the door for you and the small trunk to throw the bags in. "All set? Got everything before we go?" "It's all in there." You patted the car before walking closer to him. "Shall we?" You whisper. "Yes," he replied quietly before helping you in and stepping into the driver's side.

Letter ToTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon