Chapter 3: Guy Talk

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The Son Of Aphrodite / Chapter 3

I moved my head back and forth between the two for a moment with my lips hanging open similar to a fish in disbelief. I had never for a moment thought that both Dylan and Mason had dated one another in the past, or that he could ever be the ex-boyfriend she was so upset about the day we first ran into one another.

The guy Dylan had been telling me about seemed nothing like the Mason I had been observing these past few days. By the expression on her face when she told me about him, however brief the conversation was, consisted of a deep sense of hurt and betrayal. As a son of the Goddess of love we were gifted with the ability to read people and have the power to tell what they are thinking or how they feel about certain subjects.

Dylan's facial expression had told me nothing good about her old boyfriend, in fact I would even go as far as thinking he was a complete ass, because no kind heart-ed human being would ever make Dylan feel they way she did. I could tell how much pain she was in and how deeply she was affected by whatever occurred between them.

My best guess was that they were high school sweethearts that ended up going to the same college together but some important event drove a wedge into their relationship causing the breakup.

But what I didn't understand the most was how I didn't sense it, or get some impression that the two of them had a history. Normally, I would be able to tell if there was a relationship between people I meet, or at least I know Eros can. He told me on several accounts of this, and how just by being around people he could tell if they had a friendship, loved each other, or even if they were having an affaire together. It had me completely stumped as to why I didn't pick up on this, but for the moment I brushed it aside as a fluke, or me still adjusting to being down on earth for the first time.

I guess I was lost in my own world for a moment, but was brought back by hearing Dylan yell at Mason never to speak to her again, and that she hoped a few choice things happened to him. She then turned to me and gave a quick goodbye, saying that we would talk later, before storming out of the coffee shop, glancing back to give Mason one last hateful glare.

"Well, right back you!" That was all Mason was able to say when Dylan pushed through the doors leading outside, away from this drama. 

I stood there, mouth open, too stunned for words. Mason's eyes glanced over me, that scowl on his face softening, but still held a menacing look to them. 

"You better watch out for that one, she will accuse you of shit you didn't do." The words sounded as if he directed them to Dylan rather than me.

Okay, okay. I need something to turn this whole thing around. There must be something in Mason's body language that can lead me to believe he still does care for her. I stared hard, examining his face while he glared at the tiled flooring. His jaw was tense, eyes shaped into slits and had a harsh force coming from them; all of these make me sigh.

I must not give up, though. Maybe he is just in the moment, and possibly if he cools down he will come to his senses. I mean, why else would he not like a girl like Dylan? Sure, she is a puny human, but so is he. 

The Son of AphroditeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora