Episode 6 deviant art

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* so after last episode the gang went backto flordia on their way  there they saw the statue of liberty  and sawed the licon tunnel then about 5 hours the airplane ran back to flordia and tyler drovethem back to the house the were exausted Mario said ugh what a crazy near death  vacation to new your . Josh said yeah so i will go chill out on my room clara saidwell we are gonna watch some tv   mario said oh well i am gonna playon my laptop  emma said alex are you gonna watch some tv Alex said yeah sure . *Mario went to his laptop  where he watch a animation video  then he sawed called deviant art where people can show their art mario said hmm... a website where you can show your art well i made arts i guess going there would be nice ah whatever ok  make username hmm... superswagmario55 then other stuff ima do this  so now i got a account so i may see what is new  hmm a post  from a user named :iconsnoopdilion: saying about hurricane irma sayingI survived the hurricane Irma it wasn't a bad as Matthew I just had flooding which broke up docs and damaged houses but I'm ok a user s named :iconThatOneAngel11: said yES DOLPHIN BBY IS OKAY.
ThE dolPhiN fOoD fActOry sHaLL liVE oN.and a another user :iconTiramasui: saying AAAAAAAA-
I was really worried after Emma told me you had to evacuate. ;w;
Glad to hear from you, buddy! 

I hope everything pulls back together soon over there. and another user named :iconswagbrosmario66: saying Oh thanks goodness I hope kitten is ok since Irma was affecting Florida mario said wow that is something thankful to give  hope to someone  nice to them then  the user said  why thank you kind person mario said hmm tis guy .ooks nice yeah i guess a lauma badge the the user watch  him and mario comment on his account thanks for the watch there mr then he replied your welcome there kid  mario said i guess its not a bad place  and yo's i got two followers * clara knocks on the door and said * hello mario  how are  mario said good i made a deviant art account clara said cool what did you draw mario said you and me clara said really cool mario said well i will be continuing on clara said ok mario see you  mario said ok now hmm that user did felt happy for him  eh  whatever wait what she blocked me why i didnt even do anythinghmm well i'll just do something else oh i have a note what this note said enough is enough  lets see wait what  how can she know that i bully  some people wait...  is that tira why i dont know i didn't do anything hmm... i should leave her alone  for now im gonna sleep the next day ok now lets go see what is in deviant art wait what 2 notes from the same gurl is she a troll i ma see for myself wait im banned how  that that is it i am calling deviant art staff about this  hello deviant art staff i am asking about my account banned the staff said said im sorry i cant help you   unless you'd give me something mario said ok what is it i want you yo give me YoUr SoUl  mario said wait what * the phone teleports mario to a telepathic line  and said * wow i am on a phone line hmm i wonder if- * then the line starts on fire and mario finds a hole to get out of the phone he he went out and the caller said oh we will help you here you go mario said thanks hey i got a apology note she forgives me i hope i learn my lesson if you want to someone to leave you be for a while just ask them nicely and they will do what they do .

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