Chapter 20: A day in the life of Hina

Start from the beginning

I pushed the stop button.

"Well where next?" I asked.

"Bed in your PJs" suggested Eugene.

"Yeah, pretty good." I said smiling

~In bed with my sweater PJ~

"So you know the plan for filming and editing right?" I asked

"Yeah. Just lay there and wait for the cue to get up." Command Eugene

~Bedroom filming~

"Crawl, Crawl, get up yawning!" Eugene told me and I sat up yawning.

"Good morning guys, wait, Wheres Eugene?" I asked and stood up to walk out the door while Eugene is angling the camera.

"Thats a cut!" A Eugene.

"We need help for the next scene." I told Eugene

"We can just put a tripod on the camera." He suggested

"Nice!" I put a thumbs up.

~In the kitchen~

"And scene 3.1 Sync!" I clapped

I walked in the scene

"Hello...I forgot my line." We laughed

"Scene 3.2 Sync!" Eugene clapped

"Hello there sweetiepoo." I said pulling him into a hug.

"I have a line, don't I?" Said Eugene

I turned to the camera

"This is what happens when 50% of the video is scripted and 50% is not." I laughed.

"Scene 3.3'The Kitchen Sync!" I clapped.

"Good morning Gene." I pulled Eugene into a hug

"Good morning Ms. Yoshioka." Eugene kissed my forehead.

"Coffee?" Asked Eugene.

"Yes please." I answered then kissed Eugene.

"Cut!" I shouted

"But We need the coffee so." I giggled

~After Eugene making coffee~

"Are you done yet Mr. Gene?" I asked

"Yes I am." Eugene said and got the camera.

~Getting breakfast~

"Wait, are you going to help me up or I'll do it myself." I looked at the script.

"Yeah your going to set the camera in the cabinet, and I'll do whatever to it." I said reading the script and Eugene passed me the Camera and I put it in the cabinet, then closed it of course.

"Getting breakfast scene 1 Sync!" I clapped

I opened the cabinet and got my cereal then closed the cabinet.

"Fridge time!" I shouted and got the camera from inside.

I set up the camera in the fridge "Milk scene 1 sync!" I clapped

I open the door "Milk, Milk, Milk for Cereal." I sang and got the milk then closed the fridge door.

I opened it again and took the camera for the next scene, the next scene was a self camera scene.

"Fun fact, Hina has asthma, so she has to use a set of nebulizer every morning, also she talks in third person sometimes." I said walking to my set and dragging it to the couch.

I put the Camera on the table to set up and Eugene helped me with my coffee and cereal.

"Thank You gene, Pun intended." I laughed while setting my nebulizer up.

"Your welcome Love." said Eugene and kissed my in the cheek

we sat down on the couch and started filming.

"Living room Scene 6.1 Sync!" I clapped

"If I turn this on we just have to lay here, if there's gonna be any dust in this, I'm f*ucked" I mentioned

"Not in or on the machine but inside this piece." I pointed.

"Okay, watching TV go!" I shouted and turned the nebulizer on, then put a 15 minutes timer.

~15Minutes later~

"A~nd were done, now lets just wait until 9:20 for my weekly schedule, its 9:18 am" I told the camera and Eugene.

I stood up and turned the camera off, then put the nebulizer back, and put a plastic on it.

"My phone rang, what does it say?" I asked Eugene

"It says, Meditate or Gym." Eugene read.

"Okay." I said walking up stairs with the tripod and the camera.

"Can I help you?" Asked Eugene

"I will change my clothes, so no, and you already picked an outfit for me, that is enough, thank you for the offer though." I said walking upstairs.

I film my closet and I got two hangers that has my sponsor clothes in it 'Addidas' and cut it, I then took the tripod and set it up to film.

I have changed my clothes and got the camera and tripod 'THUMP!' I suddenly slipped on the hallway floor and saw Eugene Running up.

"Are you okay?" Asked Eugene.

"I'm fine, is the camera okay?" I asked pointing at the camera.

"It seems okay so I guess its okay." Answered Eugene while I stood up to take the tripod and Camera out to the backyard.

"Come out if you want to, later." I said as I walked out the door to the yard.

~Gymnastics time! (Btw, IDK how to do Gymnastics so I included this😂)~

'Almost done with my warm up, and hmm. Trampoline, or mat?' I thought while finishing my warm up.

'Probably trampoline, but I'll do a mat video today.' I thought while walking over to my things garage, and getting my mats.

'I have things here in my garage that is a work out material, but I'm too lazy' I laughed while dragging the mats outside.

I set my camera to a point when I jump, the camera will still see me.

I did some cool stuff and in the middle of me filming, I heard my dogs collar, and I looked at the door of where they came, Eugene was there watching.

" wanna, work out?" I asked him while walking towards my garage again.

He nodded "You need to help me take this out though" I said as I was dragging the things.

"Here, you have to carry it, not drag it." Eugene said walking over and carrying the things outside.

"Sorry boss. I am not strong enough." I said as I surrendered my hand up.

~after filming, editing, and posting~

"I'm finally done, now I'll make dinner." I whispered as I walked out to the living room and saw Eugene doing something on his phone.

I walked to the kitchen and got out two pans and the actual food. I made salmon for dinner so I took out two salmon, and greens. I cooked it and I called Eugene to the counter and we ate.

"This is really good Hina." Said Eugene complimenting my dish.

"I think I could do better though." I said as I bring up another fork of salmon to my mouth.

~after that whole evening~

"Goodnight Eugene."

"Goodnight, Love." Eugene said as he cuddled up to me and we slept.

A story to remember (Eugene Lee Yang)Where stories live. Discover now