Chapter 10 1/2: The stars are beautiful

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I walked outside and talked with my mom and dad for a bit.

My mom made me coffee and I walked outside.

I did what I used to do to my Dad's Van, which is climbing on the top of the Van.

I looked up and saw the moon and the stars shining and just thought about things. I suddenly heard a voice.

"Mind if We join?" I turned around and saw Ella and Ariel together with their PJ's I nodded.

They climbed on the van and we stared at the stars.

"Hina remember when you first climbed the van and accidentally fell down causing you to whine, but you never cried?" Said Ella.

"Yeah, that hurt but it didn't break any bones." I shrugged looking at the sky.

A shooting star fell down as we gasped in shock of what happened.

"Thats the first time seeing an actual Shooting star since I was a inside kid" I said still shocked of what we saw.

"Really!?" The girls whisper shouted.

"Yeah really." I exclaimed

"Lets just go sleep" I said yawning and jumping off the Van. I put my Mug on the sink and went to our room and slept

I'm sorry, this chapter was short, it is 4:30 am in the Philippines when I wrote this so I needed to sleep

A story to remember (Eugene Lee Yang)Where stories live. Discover now