You fucker...

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(Y/n)(L/n) is just a normal high school girl with an 'interesting vocabulary' . While walking back home from school, she came across a woman with long, black hair, pale as fuck face, and a shirt that says 'supreme'.

"What the fuck do you want you hag?" The (h/c)nette asked. "And where did you get that rad ass shirt? That shit looks dope" she continued.

"I am the spirit of the previous saniwa from a citadel from 2205. You are the chosen one to be the next saniwa" the woman with the dope ass shirt said. "I'm here to bring you there and there will be food and sexy men" the woman tries to convince the girl.

Of course, she wouldn't turn down an offer like this. Heck, no one would. Well, some wouldn't but this is my story so, I do what I want mwahahaha

"Hell yeah I'll do it!" The girl said in excitement.

"Good. Now go to that portal" the woman points to the portal behind (y/n)

"Yeeee" she jumped into the portal and the woman said for the last time, "you have to smith for the men. Literally" (bonus fact: I never played tourabu)

"Wait, what the fuck!" She screamed and the portal was shut closed.

And everything went black.

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