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"Maybe the Universe arranging our meeting was nothing but a tragedy waiting to happen. Maybe we just aren't meant to be together in the end. But that's the point, Seth. That's the point. It's not about The End, because The End is not always the end and it's not about whether or not we end up together. It's all about the fact that somewhere in between our first meeting and this seemingly last one, you have made me happier than I could have ever been without you. You have given me these fleeting moments that helped me get through my broken heart. You have given me the chance to fall in love.
And our story might have ended up like a tragedy, Seth, but happy endings are nothing but a nostalgia for the present. And given the chance to go back in time to change things, I would still choose to fall in love with you over and over and over again, because having you is worth losing you."

-----The Heartbroken Heartbreaker

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