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It had been 3 months since the prom. Alyssa was so relieved to finally come out.

Everyone in school took it surprisingly well. Alyssa was so glad to finally be open about her and Emma. She was so glad their relationship didn't have to be hidden in the band closet anymore. 

She was finally a little bit more free.

The two girls were walking home, fingers intertwined. Both couldn't stop smiling as the sun was setting on the horizon.

Alyss looked to her girlfriend and smiled.

Emma blushed slightly and chuckled. "What is it?"

The girl smiled and pressed a quick kiss on the other's lips, making Emma blush brighter. 

Emma recomposed herself and smiled. "What was that for?"

Alyssa shrugged. "Nothing. I'm just happy we don't have to hide anymore." She smiled and squeezed the girl's hand tighter. "I love you so much, Emma Nolan."

Emma smiled and pecked her on the cheek. "I love you too, Alyssa Greene."

As they continued walking, Alyssa felt the cool breeze brush against her skin. She shivered a little, catching the attention of her girlfriend.

"Are you cold, babe?" 

Alyssa smiled. "Nah. I'm fine." She shivered slightly.

Emma knew she was lying. She took off her flannel and draped it over the other girl's shoulders.

A light pink had brushed over said girl's cheeks. She smiled and pecked Emma on the lips. "Thanks, Em."

~(Time Skip)~

Alyssa walked into school the next day. She was overjoyed as she walked through the halls wearing her pastel pink dress with Emma's green flannel from the night before. 

It was just a tad too big and the cuffs were hanging past her fingers, but she enjoyed the warm feeling and the comforting smell of Emma's strawberry body lotion.

She approached her girlfriend's locker and smiled. "Hey, babe."

Emma closed her locker door and turned around. "Hey Aly-" She stopped as she stared at the girl in front of her. 

She blushed slightly as she noticed that the girl was still wearing her flannel from last night. She looked good, well Alyssa always looks good but something about seeing her in Emma's clothes.

The girl noticed her staring and shrugged. "Oh yeah. I forgot to give it back last night." She started to take it off but Emma stopped her.

"No it's okay," Emma croaked. She blushed slightly and smiled. "You can, uh. You can wear it the rest of the day if you want." 

Alyssa smiled and placed a quick kiss on the girl's lips. Emma smiled and interlocked their fingers as they started to walk to class. 

Alyssa smiled to herself. This is now her favorite shirt.

I'm never taking this off

(a/n yay! first one shot done! i love these gals so much omg. btw this is based off something i saw on tumblr and i thought it was adorable lol.

also you guys can leave requests for one shots on here! you guys can comment them or message me if you want!

ok bye! Stay Awesome!!)

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