“Of course I want his baby. But how will I do it without him? I don’t know if I am strong enough to raise a child on my own.”

“Leana, you wouldn’t be alone you have your sisters and your brothers. Your child will be so loved by all. He or she will have four uncles and four aunts and two cousins that will love him or her unconditionally. You are one of the strongest women I know. You can do anything you put your mind too.” She said with so much reverence that I was beginning to believe myself. All I could do was nod.

“I know that I want to have Jimmy’s children but somehow it just doesn’t seem right without him here.”

“I know how you feel. I felt the same way when Ky died. I didn’t want to go on. But I knew that Ky would want me too keep going.” I knew she was right. But I just wasn’t sure yet.

“I think that I am going to take the time to think about this while we are on tour.”

“That is a very smart idea.”

“Thank you for talking to me about this.”

“Anytime and I won’t say anything except to you.” Thank god she read my mind.

“You look cold we should get you back inside.” I helped her up and we walked back inside.

I took her over to Brian so she could get warm. I was thankful that no one asked what was in the letter from Jimmy. The rest of the evening went off without a hitch.

Lacey brought out the cake it was very Gothic like. It was a two tier cake purple with little black bats all around it and black roses the top. Brian thought it was very Jimmy like he would have loved it. After the cake they did all the things that Jimmy and I didn’t do. It was a lot of fun. We all went home when Tari started to get tired and basically Brian sent us all home.

When I got home I re read Jimmy’s letter until I fell asleep.

---------------- One Week Later---------------

Tari’s POV

Brian and I have been married now for a week and now it is time to get on the bus with the family and start the tour. Brian had gotten all of our luggage onto the bus. The boys had brought all of their luggage onto the bus as well.

I was making sure that everything was locked up and then I grabbed my purse.

“Muttly and Pinkly time to go babies.” I called for our dogs. They are our Malteses, Muttly is black and Pinkly is white. I heard the taps of their little nails running along the hardwood floor of the kitchen.

“Hi babies. Are you ready to go on tour?” I asked them as they started to jump around. I clipped their leashed on them and started to walk out. I took one look around the what I could see of the house from the door. I walked out and locked the door. They started barking when they saw Brian and the boys.

“Come on sweeties lets get this show on the road.” Brian said picking them up. He put them on the bus and turned back to me.

“Ready babe?”

“Yeah lets go.”

We got on the bus to see everyone there, we were the last ones to be picked up. Brian sat next Zack and Gena, pulling onto his lap. Jackson went and sat next to Johnny and Lacey. Alec was sitting next to Matt and Val.

“Alright shall we get this show on the road?” Asked Matt Berry who was going to take the first leg of the drive to our first venue.

“Before we do that Matt and I have something we would like to say to everyone.” Val stated while standing up with Matt. Leana had come to sit next to me and Brian.

“We wanted to wait until everyone was together before we said anything.” Matt started.

“Val will only be with us on the first leg of the tour.” He continued.

“Why?” Lacey asked.

“That’s only three months.” Gena added.

I looked at Leana and we both looked at Val. Why would she only be with us for three months when the tour was five months long, before we took a break for two months?

“Now before you start jumping to conclusions let me finish.” Matt said in a bit a raised voice since us women were a bit upset. We all stopped and motioned for him to continue.

“The reason she will be staying home is...well...” He stopped and looked at Val with the biggest smile.

“We are going to have a baby.” Val blurted out.

Holy crap monkeys!

We all jumped up congratulating them we hugged them both and ended up in a group hug, except Brian. Hmm...that’s not weird at all, yeah right. I went back over to him and sat down. That shit, he knew before I did and he didn’t tell me.

“You knew, didn’t you!” I said poking his chest. He just nodded with a smile.

“You didn’t tell me!” I said faking that I was mad at him. Although I wasn’t.

“I’m sorry babe, Matt asked me not to say anything. Mainly because you women can’t keep something like that a secret.” He stated.

“Oh really now.” I leaned my head down a bit closer to his ear.

“Well since you think that, I guess my secret bag is of no concern to you.” I said seductively, then got up and went to our bunk. I grabbed my little bag of fun for Brian and went to throw it in the trash when he caught me. He ripped the bag out of my hand and began to open it.

“Nope you no looky.” I joked as I grabbed it back before he could see what was in it.

“Aw come on babe that’s not nice.” He whined.

“Well now you know how I feel.” I whined back. I put the bag back in its place and started to go back out to the front of the bus. But Brian had other ideas when he turned me around and kissed me. When we kiss it’s always like the first kiss. He is my everything and I always try to convey that to him in our kisses. I know now that Brian is my everything and I will be with him forever. No matter how long that is.

We went back out and sat with our family. I looked around and realized that we are beginning to be happy again. Matt and Val with a baby on the way, Gena and Zacky going to get married, Johnny and Lacey at peace with everything, our sons having the time of their lives. Michelle happily flirting with Matt Berry and Leana, oh our Leana. She still misses Jimmy like no tomorrow. I know she has a huge decision to make and I think she will make the right one for her. I looked to the sky outside saying a silent prayer to Jimmy and Ky to keep us happy, healthy and sane on this tour.

I snuggled back into Brian smiling, this is my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the universe. 


Well there it is my darlings that's it for Dear God.  I am so happy that every one loved Brian and Tari's story.  The votes have been tallied and THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!  Thank you for all of your support, comments and votes.  You are the ones you keep me going. 

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