The Oldest

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First things first, sometimes the oldest was a mistake, sometimes not, maybe it was easier for the next one, maybe it was the same. Maybe your parents let you do everything you wanted to because they didn't know how to parent you yet, maybe they we strict AF, but what matters here is that they learnt from you, they learnt not to let you watch tv a lot, they learnt to make you do your homework, maybe they didn't learn anything at all, but somehow, they were "better" parents for the second and last. Meaning, now the youngest, the new generation that obviously needs a phone more than the old generations, has to get their first phone at the same age than t
he oldest, just because if not the oldest would get mad or jealous! (continues tomorrow, sleep is good for your health! bye! )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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