fairy forest

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The light filters in through the vibrant purple pink and blue leaves that grow on mint coloured branches. A soft breeze flows through the area calmly, causing the leaves to rustle and the incandescent grass to flow like waves.

There are small houses ahead, about the size of a human hand, the trees being at least ten times larger than the houses. High pitched chatter flows along with the breeze, being carried throughout the small village.

People about the size of a humans index finger flit around with beautiful wings that resemble those of a humming bird. Their clothes are made of flowers and leaves, ranging from simple to elegant in a wide variety of colours.

Flowers surround the area and are littered about, glowing with vibrancy in colours of ruby, sapphire, and crystal. Small creatures that resemble those of the human woodland creatures roam around with a free a peaceful aura wrapped around them.

A bird with two pairs of wings in a striking yellow colour that fades to a deep violet flits by, a flurry of smaller winged creatures following after it. Said winged creatures look like small mice with butterfly like wings, their fur coats a soft zenith blue and the wings like that of blue banded swallow tails and Amazonian blues.

A fawn with eight legs stumbles by, slowly learning how to walk with help from its mother. A small peridot reptile scales one of the trees, spanning its wings every few inches up the tree it had chosen. The area was peaceful, hidden to the naked eye, as it should be. Undisturbed, it's beauty shone like a flashlight in the night.

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