"Well, this is embarrassing." She said and I felt so bad that she felt that way. I'm not used to anyone wanting my number, let alone a girl I never met.

"It's okay." was all I said, and I wanted to punch myself for not saying anything else.

"I should probably go back to my seat now." Time pointed at her seat as she avoided my gaze.

And that was where I plucked up the courage to ask her to sit with me. She said yes, thank God.

We talked for hours on end.

I was probably going to fail that test, but it was worth it. She was so easy to talk to and she had that smile that was so contagious - it felt like we've known each other for years. She made me laugh like no one was watching and I hadn't done that in a while. . .

We talked about our lives, our parents, our stupid friends. We even took selfies together because she said she wanted to remember that embarrassing moment.

(But Time, if you're reading this, I want you to know that I would always remember you. Regardless of those selfies.)

"This is my sister." Time said as she showed me a picture of a girl in her phone. "She's pretty, isn't she?"

I nodded. The girl on her phone looked nothing like her. She was skinny and long-legged, her hair was ridiculously perfect, and her face could come straight off a magazine cover.

To be honest, she was the complete opposite of Time and it made me wonder how that two people could be sisters.

"She's my stepsister." She said as if reading my mind. "Everyone likes her. Even my crushes like her."

"Not me." I said absentmindedly and she looked at me with wide hopeful eyes. "I like you." And that made her smile from ear to ear.

"I like you, too." She said and I felt my cheeks burn. We looked at each other for a moment, deciding on what to say next.

"It's funny 'cause we've been talking for hours, yet I don't know your full name." Time tilted her head, looking at me with those adorable brown eyes that wrinkled at the sides every time she laughed or smiled.

"My name is Jonathan Flight and I really enjoyed talking to you, Time." I told her in the most genuine way I could muster.

"I enjoyed talking to you, too, Jonathan." She blushed again. "Maybe we could do this some other time."

"I come here quite a lot, because my mom has a house here. Maybe I could bump into you in the future." I said, hoping that she got what I never wanted to tell her.

"In the future?" She asked, her face puzzled.

She didn't get it. Damn it.

"I'm leaving the Philippines tomorrow night." I said with much resentment in my voice.

"Oh." She said, evidently disappointed. I wanted to hug her and say that I was going to miss her, but we only just met and it sounded ridiculous.

I regret it now. I should've hugged her when I had the chance, because Time? (If you're reading this)

I miss you. So much.

Her sisters came a few minutes later and I wanted to hold her hand and tell her to stay, but I couldn't. I was such a coward, wasn't I? I'm sorry.

We bid farewell and I stared at her until she disappeared into the crowd. I sat there in silence until my mom came to pick me up. We had to pack our things before we leave.

* * *

The next day was a blur. I couldn't stop thinking about her. How she laughed and how she smiled. How she spoke and how she looked at me.

I went back to Coffee Bean to kill time before we leave. I ordered the same thing I bought yesterday and the barista beamed when she saw me. She was the same barista that talked to her and took my order last time, which was why we were familiar with each other.

She told me to take a seat anywhere and she would bring my order when it's ready. I did what I was told and waited patiently for my order. I scribbled Time's name on the edge of my notebook, smiling to myself at the thought of her.

But then I got sad because I remembered that it was the last time I would be seeing her in a long time. Would she have moved on when I come back? Would I have moved on?

That's the thing about liking someone in such a short amount of time. You can only know so much about them.

So, what happened when I found the right person, but at the wrong time?

Nothing happened. I left.

Do I regret it?


Could I have done something about it?

Yeah, if I wanted my mom to disown me. (Note the sarcasm.)

When I got my order, I thanked the barista and she walked away with a smirk on her face, not uttering a single word. When I looked down at my drink, I saw a little note that said:


I hope you have a safe trip back home.

Hanging out with you was fun.

I hope to see you again soon.

Always in my heart,


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