Raven Mist

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I'm Raven Mist. I live in a small town called  St. Andrews(in Manitoba Canada). There really isn't anything to do in town. There's one store for essentials (fruit snacks) and One school that's it. I live in the country. There is fields all around the back of my hous accept in the front theres a farm. I know you didn't see that coming:) 

A bit about me myself and I. I'm 16. And I don't really like people. I would rather stay inside and read over going out into the city with friends. Assuming I had those. And if you're wondering. It does get lonely but I know it's better this way. In the past I've had some pretty terrible relationships and friendships. So I've given up on that and I am now focusing on my passions. If I ever find out what those non-existing passions are ill let you know :)

I look like a ghost. With pale white skin. My eye colour is unknow it changes up from green/blue/grey. There is a spec or two of brown in my right eye so that's cool I guess. My hair is always all over the place so I usually wear it in a massive blob on top of my head which shows off that sharp jawline I don't have. AND the best part, to top everything off i have a gosh dang fleet of acne that constantly covers my face. Hot I know. These stupid red spots will be the bane of my existence. Weighing in at a solid 136 pounds. I blame fruit snacks.

Home life is great I have the whole top floor to myself! My mom is never home and my dad sleeps all day soo I'm alone all week. Except the occasional weekend my mother has off. Which hasn't happened in 3 months. You may have gotten the idea that I'm an only child but I have Addison my "brother" we haven't talked in 3 years when.. Never mind. I have been battling with anxiety and depression for just over 3 years now and this is the most neutral I've been in forever. No bad thought no aching no panic It's all just been ok. 

Next chapter is the actual story I promise. Sorta

Probably a love song //WDW FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now