Chapter Two:Malfoy Manor

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'Hermoines P.O.V'

As we went towards Malfoy Manor,I started to hear vocies in my head.We went in.When I entered,I felt a wave of evil as I went in.But I felt like a belonged there.Draco took me to the sitting room."It looks like your mom has escaped then"Draco said looking over in the coner.Everyone then looked at us hearing his vocie.My mother saw me.I saw some tears in her eyes.I slowly walked over there.She started to get up and walk towards me.We met.I hugged her.Not to hard thoughe."I mizsed you,mother"I whispeared as everything came flood back to me."I missed you to"She said.I saw Uncle Lucious,Aunt Narscira,Uncle Tom,and Draco coming over.I then saw father come in.He came and hugged me too.I might have been a phycopath,but I still have  a beart for family.I had on the cloths I had on the train.It was a pink shirt with ripped jeans.I hated what I had on.Once we got out of the family hug.I asked if I could go change.Aunt Cissy nodded."Dobby"She said.Dobby poped into the room."What can Dobby do for misses?"He asked."Take Hermoine to get cleaned up and get her some new cloths"Narscira asked.Dobby took me to the north side of the manor.I saw a big black wood door.I touched the door handle.A sign then appered on the door.'Hermoines bedroom'the sign said.I opened the door."Hello misses Lestrange"I heard a vocie say from inside my room.I saw a little houes elf."Hello..."I said,not knowing the name."Tinsy,madam"The little houes elf said."Hello Tinsy"I said."What does mistress want to wear?"Tinsy asked."You chosse it.Just nothing like this"I commaned.The little houeself nodded and popped away.She came back with a butiful outfit.(Pitcher below)

Both Dobby and Tinsy left me to get ready

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Both Dobby and Tinsy left me to get ready.I got ready and set my old cloths on fire.I waited for them to burn and the the fire disappered with the flick of a wirst.I painted my nails black and fid my makeup.(the make she uses down below)

(the make she uses down below)

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Black blush^^^

Black blush^^^

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Black lipstick^^^

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Black lipstick^^^

I then went down stairs.I had my wand in my skirt pocket.I went light on the black lipstick.I transformed fully now.My face was very pale,my cheeks where touching my bones,and my lips where medium.My torso was thin,pale,and skin and bones.And my legs where like my mothers except not as tall.My hair also looked like my mothers.I was as tall as Draco.Everyone was talking and they didnt even see me come in.I just waited for them to look over.I was leaning agadtint the door frame.I cleared my thort.Everyone jumped besides Draco and my mother.Everyone looked at me.I smirked.I notticed I looked like my mother.Alot.I was more of my mother then my father."You look like your mother"Aunt Cissy said.I smiled."Thank you,Aunt Cissy"I said.I saw my mother trying hard to smile but it just turned up a smirk in the end.I also bet I had the laugh my mom has."You better get back to school with Draco"Uncle Luscoius said.I nodded.I went over to Draco and grabbrd him by the ear.He went wide eyed as I pulled him along."Hermoine,stop it!"He yelled.I laughed."As you wish!"I said.He went wide eyed as I let go.He dropoed to the floor.I laughed.My laugh was like my moms."You so much like your mother"He said."Thanks"I said and helped him up.He held out his arm and I took it.We apprrated.We landed in the Slythrin commen room."I need to get back to the Gryffindor commen room"I whispeared.He nodded.When no one was looking,I turned into black smoke and went to the gryffindor commen room."Golden Trio"I whispeared as I landed.I dont know how I did it but I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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