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I will never forget the moment your eyes gazed over my naked body. I was so self conscious and so insecure; you were the first to see me. You looked at me, holding me by my throat, telling me I was beautiful. I was straddling your lap, and our lips were melting together and our tongues were intertwining. And oh I had never felt that connected to anyone. And I still haven't had that again. The way your hands moved around my body felt so heavenly. When your lips glided to my neck, and your hands slid to my chest, I felt something I had never felt before. How cliche of me, but it really did feel like fireworks. I couldn't think about anything else but you. You changed the very voice in my head that told me I was ugly, that told me I was fat and would never be attractive to anyone. You destroyed the voice with your eyes. I had never been confident, and you made me confident. You gave me the opportunity to give to myself. And for that, I think that's why I am okay that you broke my heart.

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