"How can you not remember where you live?" Hermione turned to him.Suddenly the bathroom door swung open, Tom went face first on to the floor, revealing Bella. Stepping over her husband, she handed her daughter her bathroom necessities.

"Cornwall" She said, collapsing on to the bed. She placed a hand on her stomach and glared. "You're lucky you two are my kids"

"Bella don't threaten the foetus' " Tom chuckled, standing back up and brushing down his robes. Hermione was ignoring what they were staying and was staring incredulously at her parents.

"Cornwall" She repeated "We are travelling to Cornwall from Wiltsire"

"Oh hush its not that long" Bella waved her hand, still on Hermione's bed

"Yeah, maybe if you Apparate" Hermione snapped. Bella and Tom shared a bored look.

"Drop the Attitude Hermione" Bella said. "And No we are not apparating but rather we are going by car"

"Car?" Hermione scoffed "How? Neither of you have a licence"

"I do" Tom scratched the back of his neck, "A muggle one at least"

"You have a muggle license?" Hermione raised an eyebrow. Somehow she was not that surprised.

"I got it when I was sixteen" Tom grumbled, reluctant to admit it. "Thought it was practical"

"And it is. It will only take us about 3 and a half hours to get there" Bella added, sliding of the bed. She looked around Hermione's now bare room and smiled. "Ready to go? We need to cross the barrier into the muggle world" She said the word muggle with disgust.

Hermione also glanced around and shrugged, before she noticed something glistening on the desk. She gasped quite audibly and ran to retrieve it. She held it up to show her parents with a sheepish smile on her face.

"I almost forgot my necklace " She chuckled awkwardly, Her parents both shook their heads.

"You are going to end up losing that one day" Bella chuckled, turning to walk out of the room. Her husband and daughter quickly following after her.

The family all arrived in the foyer, to be met by The Malfoy's. Draco was looking bored, Lucius didn't seemed bothered and Narcissa was glaring icily at Bella. Tom and Bella each glared back as they walked, Hermione shared a sad smile with Draco.

"Promise to help me with Potions when we go back?" He whispered to her.  "Slughorn's teaching again, since Snape took over from Dumbledore"

"Sure" She whispered back. She held her hand up for a high five, which he gave her. She continued to walk towards the front door, noticing her aunt and uncle locked locked in a staring match with her parents. The witch rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Should we get going?" She asked

"Of course" Bella replied, swiftly turning on her heel and strutting out of the door. Tom watched her leave and turned back to Lucius.

"Malfoy" He said coldly. Hermione frowned, it seemed the familiarity had disappeared. "Keep tabs on Potter, while we have laid low since Dumbledores death, I will not rest easy until the boy is dead"

"Yes my lord" Lucius bowed. Voldemort scowled at the Blond man, turning to his son.

"Other Malfoy, keep a watchful eye on the rest of the order that is still in school, don't hesitate to use a few spells if they seem suspicious" He ordered.

"Yes My Lord" Draco copied his fathers actions. Voldemort eyed the boy before finally turning to Narcissa.

"The Death Eater meeting will still take place in this manor" He told her, she obviously wasn't happy. "Come Hermione" Tom said, holding his arm out to his daughter. Hermione took it, her other hand gripping her trunk, and the father daughter duo was met by Bella, who was standing in front of the blue car and looking very impatient, and a few house elves, who was using their own magic to shrink the Riddle family's boxes/trunks make them fit in the boot of the car.

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now