"Not your fault" Narcissa repeated "NOT YOUR FAULT, Andromeda, it wasn't her fault"

"Thats a lie" Andromeda spat "It was clearly your fault and your fault alone"

"No, No" Bella shook her head "Girls please, here me out"

"Like Hell" Narcissa snarled. "You could have done the exact same thing just then, and the exact same thing could have happened"

"Wait a second Narcissa" Andromeda turned to the blond. "Bella's right, it wasn't just her fault"

"Wait, you not saying I was involved in that, are you?" The blond reeled back, staring at her sister in horror. The nurse nodded.

"Of course I am, you know full well why Bella did that" She said. Bella glared at her sister.

"I did nothing of the sort!" Bella exclaimed. Her sisters turned back to her.

"Yes you did" They chorused. Bella wiped a few tears that had betrayed her and fallen on her cheeks.

"No. I didn't" She said lowly "And you two are as much to blame"

"HOW DARE YOU" Narcissa shouted.

"YOU KNOW FULL WELL I AM RIGHT" Bella screamed back. Hermione whimpered and turned to hug her father. She hated arguments. She absolutely HATED them.


"What are you talking about?" Andromeda said.

"This!" Narcissa exclaimed "My sister and I would not be arguing if you never crawled out of the hole you came out of with freak of a daughter and disgusting Husband"

Andromeda blinked and nodded her head.

"Well if thats how you feel" She said. "But i have to see what MY sister thinks" She turned to Bella, who was staring at the two of them. "Bella?" She asked. Hermione's heart broke, she could hear the desperation and broken-ness in her voice.

Bella continued to glare.

"You are no sister of mine" She said. "Blood traitor"

"Ok then" Andromeda said, accidentally letting out a sob. She turned away and smoke started to swirl around her feet. "But never let it be forgotten that you are also a blood traitor Bellatrix" She said coldly, purposefully using Bellatrix instead of Bella. With that she disappeared.

"Shes right" Narcissa began again "you are also a blood traitor"

Bella shook her head and scoffed.

"Maybe, but he's the Dark Lord" She tried.

"No Bella, he's a half-blood," She said with disgust. Hermione's eyes widened as she felt her father tighten his grip.

"No daddy " She hissed to him in Parsel tongue "Don't do something you'll regret"

"You've made me soft" Tom grumbled back to her.

"Thats enough Narcissa" Lucius interrupted "He is the Dark Lord, Master of the Elder wand and more importantly our master and Brother in Law"

Narcissa didn't acknowledge him, still staring at her sister.

"I want you out" She said simply.

"What?" Bella asked

"You heard me" Narcissa replied "I want you, Tom and Hermione out"

"Cissa, don't be rash, now dear" Lucius stepped in again. But yet again his wife ignored him.

"Well where will we go?" Bella said, raising her chin as if challenging her sister. "I'm pregnant"

"Don't care frankly" Narcissa said "I don't want to be near you" with that she left the room, with her son and husband chasing after her, begging her to change her mind.

"What are we going to do?" Hermione broke the silence that had settled over the room.

"Simple" Tom replied, his gaze not leaving Bella, who was staring back at him. "We pack our bags and go.."

"Home" Bella finished, grinning broadly at her husband. Hermione looked between the two of them and lightly blew a black curl out of her face, folding her arms.

"And that is.........?" She asked.

"the Riddle manor" Bella squealed. Running to her husband and tackling him in a hug.

" We are going Home 'Mione" Tom said "We are going home"

Hermione grinned at joined in the hug.

She was going Home.

A/N Suuuuppperr sorry for the wait. Writers block hit me hard :/  oh well what can ya do? Please leave comments telling me what you think and don't worry, Whatever Bella or Cissy had done that caused sisters to argue shall be revealed soon enough. *insert mysterious laughter here*

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