The day continues

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As I go to the mess hall for breakfast, I see two campers fighting over ketchup and accidentally getting ketchup all over David. I break up the two campers from the quarrel. "Are you ok there David?" I ask him wiping some ketchup off his face."Yeah y/n- it's just some of the campers can get a little rough sometimes." "That is true-" suddenly I felt something icky on the back of my shoe. I turned around to see a not so well Nikki on the floor. I pick her up and place her on the table. "Daaavvviiid! Nikki threw up and I need your assistance!" David rushed to the scene. "Of course I'll help you y/N" he says. I run over to Nurf who's about to stab Max.I pick up Nurf and place him on the other side of the mess hall.Gwen was over in the corner trying to stop Dolph from starting a revolution. I went over to go help her. "You have to be shitting me Dolph, you can't start a revolution. " "Yez I can!" I shove some cheese and crackers in his mouth. Then, out the corner of my eye, I see Neil and Max almost about to walk out. I grab Max by the hoodie and trip Neil . "What the fuck y/n!" Max says. I place him by the quartermaster. I pick up Neil and place him by Gwen. "This is going to be a fucking loooonnnnggg day" I whisper.

T imeskip cause author-Chan is laaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyy.

I head to the showers after a long day of camp. I get into shower not knowing the water was cold. "God damnit max!" I knew it was him, no lie. After I was done the shower, I get into my PJs and head to my cabin. I see David there. "Oh hey David!" "Hey y/n!" I get into my bed and get all cozy. Then David gets in his bed and turns off the lights. I hum the camp song to help me fall asleep. Humming songs always help me fall asleep. I normally fall asleep by then. I keep tossing and turning in my bed. "Hey y/n-" I hear David say. "David?!" I say in shock that he's still awake. "Wanna go somewhere?" "Sure" He then grabs my hand and drags me out to this field a little bit away from camp. I look up at the stars in awe. "When I can't sleep, I go here-" David says. "This place is so beautiful-" I say. David sits down. "Come here y/n-" he says.I sit in between his legs (I'm sorry if that makes you feel weird or uncomfortable) "Watch this-" David says. He brushes his hand on the grass around us. Suddenly, fireflies fly up and glow. I open my mouth in astonishment. David wraps his arms around my stomach."D-david w-what are you doing?" "Giving you a hug silly." We both laugh at the same time. Then a shooting star passes by."Make a wish-" David says. "I wish this moment will never end-" I say. It felt like it never ended,but it did. My moment ended abruptly with me falling asleep in David's clutches. That's when I felt him pick me up. He walk back to the cabin and placed me in my bed with the covers covering me. "Goodnight y/n," David said before placing a kiss on my forehead.

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