~Her Heart of Stone~

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The next day Jayden woke up in her room with Dark Mist, or so she thought, asleep in his hammock, made of an extra bed sheet from her closet, above her bed. She sat up on her bed and thought how was she gonna locate her father without the help Mizar's Number. Dark Mist was gently rocking himself in the hammock with his tail and reading a book. Jayden got up and headed to the kitchen downstairs. Her Mother, Hazel, was cooking bacon, eggs, and grits for breakfast. "Oh Jayden, you're awake! Come eat some breakfast, Sweetheart." Her mother told her tired, 17 year old Barian daughter. Dark Mist levitated downstairs and started chastising her about her woodcarving desk, how it was a mess. She was too tired to deal with his bullshit that early in the morning, so Jayden went to eat her breakfast in her room away from Dark Mist and her mother. After she ate Jayden took a shower, got dressed, and grabbed her Deck.

Jayden was a kind and generous soul. She loved many things and when her father was banished by the 7 emperors including her own brother. Jayden changed, she became as hard as stone never opening up to anyone except Dark Mist. As a little girl in Barian she looked up to Dark Mist for, training, advice, and even protection when she was in danger. And even if the Dark being refused to admit it, he did care for Jayden....Very much.

Dark Mist went in Jayden's room to find her looking through her Deck and sorting it out of boredom. He levitated towards the bed and sat down. "I'm sorry." He said it in a grumpy and aggravated tone. Jayden looked up at the Dark Spirit who sat on the end of her bed. "It's alright Dark Mist, I just get annoyed when someone chastises me over something that I've already done." When Jayden said this she pointed at the clean desk with all of the woodcarvings she's completed over the years and a few works that are still being worked on. "I'm surprised that you even cleaned that desk." He was genuinely surprised at Jayden taking responsibility for once. "Well I think it's about time I get up and walk around a bit don't you think?" Jayden said as she got up to get ready to walk around Heartland City for a few hours. A few hours later... Jayden and Dark Mist returned home to have lunch and both relax with a nice long nap for them both to enjoy. Other than that they didn't have anything else to do so they slept for the rest of the day

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of my story and I know it might suck to some of you, but I really am pouring my heart and soul into this story and I sincerely hope that some of you enjoyed it.

~Sincerly Darkness Karma~

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