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Cassidy stood up in the alleyway. She was not surprised to see the Protoss templer left. From the evolution and mending she also received a briefing on the current condition by a mechanical adjacent.

She silently touched her long, blonde braid, or rather the psionic link. The structure allowed her to not only give orders to the Protoss units in her base but also feel their minds.

Cassidy turned around and walked toward her home. She was coming out to do a grocery shopping, but got intercepted by the templer in the alley. Now, after what happened, she's lost the appetite. Plus, Protoss don't eat food for energy.

Cassidy walked across a driveway and into an apartment. She's an orphan. She never knew who her parents were, but she had been in an orphanage since when she first knew things. At first, it was a bit hard to live without a family, but she's getting used to it.

After walking up to the third floor, Cassidy opened a door and entered her room. It's a small living space, but still, it's nice and tidy. She made a habit of cleaning her living quarters everyday. After all, if she doesn't, who will?

Cassidy sat down on a chair and relaxed. Suddenly, her body was transformed into a series of basic molecules, which eventually disappeared.

In the Protoss base, Cassidy's body solidified.

The girl first scanned the base. The only memories she had about the base was through the flow of memory from the Protoss adjacent by the Khala. It's the first time she has seen the Protoss base.

The Protoss base only has one building, and that is the Nexus. Nexus is a Protoss building that can build two units: probes and Mothership Core. Unfortunately, only the probe is available because the mothership core requires a building known as the Cybernetic Core, a building that she has yet to construct.

Beside the Nexus were eight probes. Probes are the basic worker unit of the Protoss. They are machines designed to gather resource and construct buildings. Probes can also attack with their mineral gathering beam, but its shield and attack are too weak for real combat. Unfortunately, there's no mineral for the probe to mine from.

"Produce a probe." Cassidy ordered through the Khala.

"You require additional minerals." The adjacent reported.

"How many minerals do I need?" Cassidy asked, slightly frustrated.

"50. The current storage is 0 mineral and 0 vespine."

"How do I gain minerals?"

"Any material can be transformed into mineral." The adjacent answered. "But the exchanging rate is different."

Cassidy nodded. "I will find a way to gain more resource. How about vespine gas?"

"Vespine gas can only be harvested from vespine geysers."

"How do I find the vespine geysers?"

"I don't know. But I will notice you as soon as possible."

Cassidy signed. "Fine. Tell me about the army that doesn't require vespine gas."

"After a gateway has been constructed, zeolets will be available." The adjacent explained. "But there are no zeolets that we can warp in, which means we will have to create zeolets with the resources available. The reproductive mechanism and chrono boost in the Nexus can create fully grown Protoss warriors that can become any unit, but the creation will be slow."

Cassidy silently cursed. "How slow?" She asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"One Protoss can be created in 30 hours on Earth. That is with the Chrono Boost."

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