Chapter 3

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I'm so sorry!!! I know it has been a long time. I try to update, but it gets really hard. Anyway, this chapter is full of fluff and cuteness, so enjoy!

In the morning, Harper and Jace raced downstairs and woke Artem up. Making sure to not make any noise as to not wake up Sharna and Mia, Artem got both Jace and Harper ready for school. Not long after, Mia woke up crying, so without disturb Sharna, he got Mia out of her crib. After changing her diaper and feeding her, he got her ready in a pink onesie with a strawberry in the middle with the words "Berry Cute."

Rounding up all of the kids in the car, Artem took Harper and Jace to pre-school. As he was walking them to their classroom, a young mother strolled up to them. "Your kids are so cute. You are so good with them."

"Thank you." He replied.

"I notice that you don't have a wedding ring. I'm a single parent too." She stated. "Would you like to maybe get coffee some time or mayb-"

Behind them, Jace and Harper made faces of disgust. It was obvious that the woman was throwing herself at him. Jace interrupted her and pulled on the hem of Artem's shirt. "Daddy."

Artem swiftly looked back at the little boy in surprise. "Yeah, bud."

"We need to get to class." He pointed out.

"Oh, well I will walk with you." The desperate woman said to Artem.

Harper rolled her eyes. Artem seemed annoyed, but was too polite to tell her to leave. The four of them started to walk towards the classroom. Suddenly, Mia gurgled and smiled.

"Oh, she is just the cutest." The mother grabbed Mia's small hand.

Immediately, Mia began to get fussy and leaned closer to Artem, using her hand to clench his shirt. Artem rocked her, as they continued towards the room. Once they were next to the door, Artem bent down to say goodbye to the kids.

Harper said, "Bye, Daddy."

"Bye, Munchkin. Can I have a kiss?" He kissed her. "I love you."

"Love you too." She replied before running into the classroom to her friends.

Jace came closer to Artem. "Are you going to pick me up from school?"

"Of course, Buddy." He answered.

"Is Mommy coming too?" Jace continued to question.

Artem gave him a soft smile. "Absolutely. Why don't you go to your friends?"

Jace nodded in agreement. "Ok. I love you."

"I love you too." Artem said pulling Jace into a hug.

"Bye." Jace waved.

"Bye, Jitterbug."

Jace smiled at the nickname and ran off.

The woman started to talk again. "About that coffee date..."

Artem jumped having forgotten that she was there. "Umm, I hate to disappoint you, bu-"

"Oh, are you busy?" She asked cutting him off.

"No. I don't know if you heard me talking to the kids, but they have a mother." Artem tried to let her down.

Unfortunately, she didn't seem to take the hint. "Oh, so you are divorced? I don't mind."

Frustrated, Artem exclaimed, "I was hoping you would take the hint but I'M NOT SINGLE."

He walked away towards the front of the school. When Artem got home, he decided to wake up Sharna. Once he was in his bedroom, he decided to let Mia wake her up.

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