Why Can't I Sleep

Start from the beginning

"I just...uh...homework hasn't been merciful on me lately. I've done a few all-nighters....y'know how it is." Lloyd mumbled, his hands squeezed together in anxiety. He really hoped the lie got through to Zane.

The other teen blinked again, and his mouth went from a few squiggles and then settled back into his regular, deadpan look.

"Would you like help with it tonight? I surely can help you with most subjects. I would be delighted if it was mathematics!" Zane happily said, his face turning into a cheery one. Lloyd smiled. It worked.

"Probably not tonight buddy, I don't have any...or at least I don't think." Lloyd spoke, slowly looking at the chalkboard. Zane nodded.

"Understandable. Another night then. Well, see you around, friend!" Zane grinned before hovering off speedily. Lloyd stood in the middle of the classroom, staring at the door. What was Zane in such a rush for? The answer was immediate when the bell rang, signifying that the next period of the day has started.


Without a moment's hesitation, he sped out the door, running down the nearly empty hallways. He was late.


Groaning, he opened the door to the apartment he shared with his mother and the new resident, his father. He didn't bother to close the door as he shuffled in and threw his school bag onto the floor. Lloyd made his way over to the couch and threw himself onto it. He thought he was going to fall asleep right then and there if it wasn't for the sounds of footsteps that quickly became louder and louder.


Lloyd groaned even louder, throwing his arm over his eyes. It was his father. He wasn't in the mood for him right now.

"Oh c'mon. Now that's just rude..." Garmadon, Lloyd's father, complained.

"Not in the mood, Dad." He said truthfully, turning over on the couch and shoving his face into the cushions.

"You're just saying that! Want to talk about school?" Garmadon smiled, playfully patting Lloyd's shoulder. The blonde sighed. There wasn't much he could do about his father. For sure he loved Garmadon with all of his heart...but...something wasn't right. His heart told him that something wasn't resolved yet - that he couldn't fully accept Garmadon into his life yet. But the big question was 'what'. What was driving him to think like this? Feel like this?

What was driving him to lose sleep over it?

Garmadon waited for Lloyd to get up, standing there with a half smile. When Lloyd didn't turn over, he took the liberty of doing it himself. He took his four arms and rolled his son over, making the blonde frown with displeasure. He looked at Garmadon's now matching expression, dropping the cheery act.

"Look Luh-Lloyd...I need to talk to you." Garmadon said, narrowing his eyes. Lloyd knew Garmadon meant business by the way his eyes turned as sharp as daggers.

"Dad..." He tried to plea before his dad cut him off.

"Seriously. Now, can I sit down?" Garmadon said with a voice full of authority, patting on Lloyd's leg where he wanted to sit. Lloyd really didn't want to move over and he seriously didn't want to talk with Garmadon while he was already lost in his own thoughts. Though, he didn't dare to defy his father's orders. He sighed and squabbled up into a sitting position, holding his legs close and dropping his head lazily onto his kneecaps. Garmadon sat down and clasped his hands together, looking at Lloyd with worry.

"Well...I'm just gonna say it...I know you haven't been sleeping right and...as a good father should...I wanted to know what's wrong." Garmadon uncomfortably said, looking over his son. He was full of pity for his son, but he had a hard time even showing the tiniest bit of emotion without feeling awkward. Lloyd just stared at the cushion next to Garmadon, not sure what to say. He was having trouble sleeping - strike that - he wasn't sleeping. Lloyd had been up the last two nights with a feeling of certain dread coming out of nowhere. It would usually start after dinner, resulting in him getting a small stomach ache that would keep him up all night. He kept thinking to himself, what was the matter with him?

"...Dad I really don't know...what's wrong." Lloyd huffed out, looking rather embarrassed as he shoved his head even deeper into his legs. Garmadon nodded in a attempt at understanding his son's situation.

"Do you have even a inkling of what you think might be keeping you up?" Garmadon asked.

Lloyd stared at the fabric of the couch, slowly feeling it with one of his hands as his train of thought kept bothering him. He kept asking himself questions and thinking of scenarios that could've led to this strange sleeping pattern.

Then it hit him.

It hit him like a train, his eyes going wide and now looking at Garmadon in the eyes. He searched through the red eyes as the pieces of the puzzle were put together.

"Dad...I think I know now."

"Oh really? Well don't leave me in suspense! Tell me!"

"...It's you."

Garmadon froze. He didn't understand what Lloyd said. How could he keep him up at night? He didn't do anything past 9PM, or at least that's what he was assuming.

"Am I like...too loud? Do I snore?"

"No it's not that-"

"I watch TV at night, is that keeping you up?"


Lloyd angrily hid his face entirely now, his arms thrown over the back of his head.

"You just...when you kept trying and trying to take over the city...and I kept trying and trying to stop you! You don't know how scary it was for me half the time, Dad! I'm only what? Sixteen?!" He yelled, his voice muffled. Lloyd took his head out of his legs, looking at Garmadon. Garmadon noticed his green eyes starting to sparkle. He knew that Lloyd was growing frustrated.

"The reminders of all of our battles...they just play back to back in my head and it just...it just takes it's toll...y'know?!" Lloyd choked, tears beginning to form. Garmadon sighed and gently wiped at Lloyd's eyes, making sure no tears fell down his son's cheeks.

"Luh-Lloyd...I can't say I'm sorry because it wont mean anything. No apology can cover the things I've done," Garmadon said, emotions stuck in his throat. "But I know what I've done...really hurt you. And I would give up anything to make you feel better. You know why?"

Lloyd sniffed as Garmadon poked at his forehead.

"It's because I love you."

Lloyd felt like he was going to burst into tears right then and there, but he was able to keep them at bay. He sniffled again and smiled at his father, touched by his words. Garmadon smiled as well and extended all of his arms out to his sides in a hug gesture.

"Bring it in buddy."

Lloyd gladly did so, throwing himself into a hug with his Dad. Garmadon tightly wrapped his arms around him and hugged it out.

"You'll be ok. I promise."

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