Chapter 2

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Ezreal opened his blue eyes. The sun gleamed into the window of the inn. He had woken up in so many different places in his lifetime. He could never sit still when there was so much to discover. This time it was the Voodoo Lands. He jolted up and looked around. At that moment someone knocked at the door. He yawned and while rubbing his hair, he got up and head for the door.  When he opened the door it revealed a young girl. 'Housekeeping', she blushed. 'Good morning.' He raised an eyebrow. 'Good morning, is something wrong?' 'Uhm, telegram.' She handed the envelope she was holding to Ezreal. 'I just wanted to say. You're uhm... kind of cute.' Then she turned around and walked away hurriedlyA wrinkle formed between Ez his eyebrows. Normally girls stay to chat. He shrugged and closed the door while removing the seal of the envelope. There was another one inside it and when he pulled it out the Piltover emblem appeared. Piltover?, he thought. He opened the white envelope and pulled out the letter. 

Good day,

I hate to disturb you on your journey after so long, but you're the only person I can turn to. I would like for you to return to Piltover. I am in need of your expertise Ezreal. Please I am desperate.

It was signed: The Sheriff of Piltover Caitlyn. 'Caitlyn' he mumbled before smiling. Well going home then he said while he walked to the bathroom.

About half an hour later he was all packed up and locked the door to the apartment he had been living in for the past month. He handed the key to the young girl from before. 'Thank you for everything' she said with a smile. 'No problem' he said smiling back and he could see the clush creeping up again. 

The trip from the Voodoo lands to Piltover would take about two days. Normally it would take longer but Ezreal knew his way around. While he was walking trough the streets of the small town he noticed an old man having trouble loading his wagon and hurried over. The old man happily accepted his offer and Ez helped him load the rest of his cargo. Afterwards the man looked at Ezreal and thanked him. Then he continued, 'Where are you headed?' Ez smiled 'Good eye'. 'Well of course, travelers are not that hard to spot if you know what you're looking for.' Ez let out a laugh then answered his question. 'Piltover'. 'aah. The City of Progress.' He looked at Ezreal from the side before continuing. 'Hop on, I can take you to the mountains.' Surprised by the offer Ez replied: 'Are you sure?, that is quite far.' The old man shrugged. 'i am heading that way, it's no problem'. He gestured with his head. 'Inviting Ez to jump on the wagon. 'Ezreal wasn't sure, but an offer is an offer and if push comes to shove he could defend himself and the old man no problem. He climbed onto the wagon and the old man joined him. The he held out a hand. 'Bigane'..'Ezreal'..'Pleasure', he said with a smile. 'Now let us go!' and with a small swish of his hands the wagon started moving. 

It was a bumpy journey, but it was filled with many storied of both Bigane and Ezreal. The man was also impressed with all the safe shortcuts the boy knew. 'So..., why is an old timer like you on these road?', Ezreal questioned. Bigane smiled to himself, before answering 'Silvia'. 'Silvia?' Ez repeated. 'Yes' there was a pause, 'my late wife.' 'Ow, I am sorry' Ez started. 'What for?, it was her time. This reminds me of her, that is why I am here. I am going to visit her final resting place.' Ezreal looked down at the wagon. That is quite sad he thought, but also beautiful. 'But enough sappy stories!' the old man continued. 'Let me tell you about the time I saw a void creature, it was as big as a house!' and so the journey continued until they reached their destination. Ezreal jumped of the wagon and turned around. 'Many thanks Bigane'. The old man laughed as he had many times before. 'No problem. Now take it easy, you won't be young forever. 'Ain't that the Truth' Ez said with a grin. 'Ow!' Bigame slipped a hand into his pocket and then tossed a small bag to Ezreal. 'What's this?.' The bag contained two golden bands. 'I have no need for those anymore.' 'And what makes you think I do??' Bigane smirked, 'I just have a feeling'. Then he pulled at the ropes and the horses started moving again. 'Goodbye Ezreal. May you live your life to the fullest.' Ezreal waved the man goodbye, before glancing at the small bag. A puzzled look took over his face and he put it into his pocket. Then he head down the mountain.


The old chapter wasn't this long and it took me awhile to come up with something. Then it came in a hit and I wrote the last part in one go. Ice~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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