The Reaper History

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In the ancient time, The Great Rights War happened.

A war that decides the rights for human to keep their soul after death.

A war between The Reaper and The Living Mortal.

The Reaper is an underworld resident that come on the surface of the earth only to take the soul of the living as they dies. However, all type of reaper cant take the bonded soul and only some of them can take lost soul.

Bonded soul are the soul that were bonded to some place or body for either protecting it or cursing it. Lost soul are the soul that wander around the world if their soul weren't taken by The Reaper after their death. Both of bonded and lost soul are commonly known as ghost.

The Living Mortal are legion that combine the Human of all races, Demi Human of all types and Revolving Animal that gains knowledge as they live on the surface.

The Living Mortal decides that it is their right to keep their souls after death, not giving it to The Reaper. They never know what The Reaper been using their soul for and The Reaper never intend to gave such information to them. Some of The Living Mortal taught themselves the art of necromancy to bond their soul to their body, which of course makes the blood of The Reaper boils.

The war occur for 1 year 1 month 1 week 1 day 1 hour and 1 minute. Therefore giving the nickname The One True War.

The results ended with The Reaper wins as lots of The Living Mortal death makes them decided that they cant never win against The Reaper.

However, the war also affected The Reaper. 

The Reaper begins to separates themselves. The High Council of The Reaper doesn't like this.

This makes the revolution of the tribes among them that fight each other begin cooperating to rebel against The High Council.

The High Council ended up lost the fight and a lot of them dies of the hand of their own underling. It is mostly out of outnumbered. 

But, two of them survives and decides to kill each other out of the cause that they will keep each other soul and cursed the soul to be bind until the day that they decided to resurrect themselves.

The surviving tribes then go to each other ways and set up the new rules and limitation to themselves. 

The most known and powerful tribes are divided to five. The Soul Hunter, The Grim Reaper, The Shinigami, The Dullahan and The Angel of Death. There also some Reaper that decides to walks alone like The White Walker and The Twin Masks.

The Soul Hunter. They live in the villages of the underworld. They come to the surface and takes soul as much as they want. They can take all types of souls. They also keep the soul as they power. Meaning, the more the soul that they have, the stronger they becomes. They can also use the soul "purpose", as the purpose of crab hand are to cuts their food, they can apply that crab hand "purpose" to their fingers, making them able to cuts a lamb just by using their fingers. On death, their soul are transferred to all The Soul Hunters that still living.

The Grim Reaper. They reside in the city of the underworld. They come to the surface only to takes the soul only as the owner is about to die. This is because the grim reaper are the only tribe that can detect and know the true death of one being and they hated to force the soul out from their body. With their intelligence, they created what they called as The Scythes that supply power to all equipment in the city resident. This makes them mostly utility businessman for the underworld resident. They also created a timer that countdown the live of a human, so that they can come and collect their soul on time.

The Shinigami. Most of them reside on the east of the surface and mostly disguise themselves in the shape of white animal. They comes to the living and slowly absorb their well-being or luck that ended up they life. In this term, they passively absorb their victim soul without being noticed. They also hated violence but highly equipped with high level of self defense techniques and can sometimes be seen to teach it to the living. However they can only transfer to physical being if they have their soul and if the dead body being burned to ashes.

The Dullahan. They walk on the underworld in the day and on the surface on the night. Sometimes they can also be seen on the surface on the day. They can be seen riding a headless horse and holding their severed head giving the nickname "The Headless Horsemen". They doesn't take their victim soul on spot. They firstly inform them a day before they soul being taken. Anyone who witness The Dullahan taking their victim soul will be painted with the victim blood to mark them as the next victim. The souls are mainly to be used as food for their horse. They can also "put on" their head just to act like normal human when taking their day of the soul hunting and live like a normal human amongst the human.

The Angel of Death. They reside on the upper world and watches over the living. They come to the surface and follows their victims for 30 days before their death. On the victim last breath, they will either comfort the victim with their beautiful heavenly smiles and pull out their soul as painless as possible or torture the victim with the image of their nightmare and pull out their soul as each cells of them are the pain of a needle struck. They then decides to either bring the soul to the heavenly park or the bowl of hell. Sometime, if they found a lost or bonded soul, they will help them to move on from this world. Their true form will and can never be revealed. 

In summary,

The Soul Hunter are greedy reaper that takes the live of their victim only to satisfy their lust for power.

The Grim Reaper uses soul for business and the underworld city energy supply and only take soul after their true death.

The Shinigami absorb souls of their surrounding to live and survive.

The Dullahan take soul for their horses and live amongst the human normally.

The Angel of Death are the judges for the soul well-or-ill being before The End.

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