You Bloody Darn NIGHTMARE!

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"Hey Y/N!" A voice says from behind me. I feel someones hands touch my back. I start to turn my head but I get pushed to the ground. I yelp for help. Nobody comes. My glasses swing off of my face. When I fall on the ground the person who pushed me starts to kick me. I manage to say " why in the halibut are you doing this?!"

The person just cackles and lifts me up by the shirt collar. " Isn't it obvious? You're clearly not smart." She punches me in the face. "I didn't do a darn thing to you!" I grab her hair and pull it so hard that she immediately drops me. I start running. I find a dark alley and hide there. She finds me and she pulls a knife out and holds it by my throat. My breath shortens. I close my eyes. She cuts my arm. "Ahhhhh!" I say grabbing my arm, putting pressure on, my bloody wound.

I wake up, huffing and puffing. I rip the blankets off my body and look at my arm. Good. No blood. I get up. I grab my phone (phone case looks like this)

 I grab my phone (phone case looks like this)

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and see what time it is. 6:42. IM GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!! I get on my ombre blue to white shirt my black leggings and cute grey beanie.

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I write a lil note to my mom 'Off to school, be back at 2:00! Love ya xoxo

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I write a lil note to my mom 'Off to school, be back at 2:00! Love ya xoxo. '

I grab the keys to my motorcycle and start driving. At a stop light I check the time. Fudge! Schools about to start! The light turns green. I speed off and thankfully make it too school. The bell rings for the one minute to get to class. I sprint to my first class, which is math with Mr. Mason. I take my seat and the bell rings. The class ends and I head to science. 

That was the end of that page! If you liked it plz comment! Try not to hate it's my first x reader!!! 😜 Hope you all are having a splenderiffic day! Magical_Jackalope out! See ya!

Jock Pj x Otaku! Nerd readerWhere stories live. Discover now