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"Happy sixteenth birthday, Connor!" The three boys said in unison. Finally, they were all the same age.

James set the cake in front of Connor, Brad closing his eyes and concentrating so that he could set the candle alight with his fire. He successfully does so and he can't help the smile creep on his face. Usually, the cake would set on fire and James would go out and buy a new one, using a match to light it up instead.

They all sing happy birthday and Connor blows out the candles before anything else could set on fire.

"Thanks guys," Connor says, his hand on his badge. It said "Birthday Girl, 16", which was a running joke between the four boys. Every year they would celebrate each other's birthday with pink cakes and banners, trying to live a life as normal as they can.

"James!" Tristan snaps James out of his concentration of cutting the cake. James hadn't noticed his concentration had caused green plants and flowers to grow on the knife and he quickly removes it.

"I'm sorry! I didn't notice," James says, cursing himself quickly and grabbing a new knife and handing it to Connor's mum, who was also in the room.

"We all do it," Tristan smiles, watching James nod. "Do you want to go outside and calm down?" James was shaking, feeling embarrassed and anxious. He dealt with his powers differently to everyone else.

"Y-yeah, sorry again," James apologised once more and Connor gives him a smile before he walks out.

James' eyes were a grass green as he clenched them shut when he walked into the front garden. He held his hand out, shaking, as a sunflower shot out of the ground, exactly where it was pointing.

The boys lived in Connor's house, which was in the middle of nowhere. It's what they need, however, when they have a secret to hide. They don't socialise with anyone else, besides their parents.

Brad's parents had disowned him once they learnt that he could make fire come out of his hands. They were scared more than anything. Connor's mum thankfully took him in to their large home and the four boys help around the house.

Surrounded by woods, it was the perfect place to practice setting things alight and creating plants. They obviously strayed further into the woods to avoid damaging the property.

Whenever Tristan needed to let out some steam, he'd go to the centre and let him emotions fully take over, the air he creates making the trees shake and branches fall off. Being cooped up in the house didn't help, especially when he was naturally 'moody', but it was just his anxiety. He hated not seeing his family all the time like he used to, especially his little sister.

Connor was perfect if the boys had to go in hiding, since he could make water appear and disappear, as well as other things. He'd water the plants Connor's mum had grown and if there was a draught, he'd give them all water to drink and to wash the dishes with.

James sets his hand down before looking at the large sunflower in front of him. He had barely gained control over it, so he had no clue how to get rid of it yet. He wasn't as advanced as the boys with their control, especially Brad.

Even when they'd met at the young age of four in their first year at school, Brad was always more superior, although he wouldn't admit it.

Suddenly, faint rustling sounds were heard from the trees, and someone was hiding in the branches, camouflaged by the leaves. Any normal person wouldn't have heard it, but James did because he wasn't normal in the slightest.

The person in the trees, Ethan, was watching him closely, and he saw the plant grow quickly from the ground in amazement. Just like the legends, he thought.

Ethan was a fairly small man, nineteen years of age. His friends would say that his laugh was very distinctive, and he found most things funny. His father was a mysterious man, who had told him about people with powers. At first he thought he was being taken as a fool but soon he saw the truth, and this proved it further.

He knew he needed to show his father this as soon as he could.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" James says, looking to make sure the door was locked incase someone tried to get inside. Thankfully, it was.

Ethan freezes, not saying anything. He was trying to get down to convince James to come with him. He was marvelled by his powers, so he didn't want to hurt him.

"Hello?" James repeats, now walking towards Ethan, his heart trying to escape his chest as it pounded rapidly. He held his hand in front of him, cautious. "I won't hurt you, I swear."

James, being the kind hearted boy he is, was wary. What if it was a small child that had strayed too far into the woods? Or someone that was genuinely lost? If not, he wasn't sure what he'd do.

Ethan reaches the floor with a light thud. He was light on his feet, especially since he played football frequently with his friends.

"H-hey," he says, revealing himself to James. He was going to have to be quick—his father wasn't far behind.

James puts his hand down, hearing Ethan's heart smashing against his chest. He was obviously nervous.

"Are you lost?" James asks, hopeful that the boy hadn't seen the sunflower shooting out from the ground.

"Yeah, I was just w-wanning," Ethan says, tumbling over his words. "I mean running. Or walking. Yeah, I was walking."

"There's no need to be nervous," James says. "How about I get my friend's mum to take you home?"

"Actually, my dad's a while back, I'll just go," Ethan says, too scared to ask James to come with him. He thought James might hurt him.

"I can help you find him if you'd like?" James offers, giving Ethan a smile which calmed him down slightly. He wasn't as anxious now.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Ethan nods and James walks over, however keeping his distance. He didn't want to hurt the boy. They walked through the moss filled woods in silence, an awkward atmosphere and James began to feel anxious.

James never came home that night.


spooky right?

ive wanted to write a book like this for aGes because ive always been into the idea of the four elements since i was like 9 so here's a book.

if you're not sure:

Tristan has the power of controlling the air.

Brad has the power of setting things on and off fire.

James controls the Earth: rocks, plants, anything earth naturally related.

Connor has the power of controlling water.

Obviously as they grow older in the book, they'll grow more features of their power and will be able to do more. It's like when you grow older you grow smarter, but it's with their power also. They're advanced people so that means the little stuff too like they also have increased hearing.

started : 04/10/18

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