I placed the milk and the packet of biscuits down on the counter and fished for money in my leather jacket pocket.

"One pound seventy five please," the cashier asked and stretched out her hand to receive the money.

My hands were shaking in my pocket as I felt Mike gaze at me in amusement. I felt under pressure. Eventually, I managed to take out two pounds with my – now – sweaty hands. I proceeded to stuff the milk and biscuit packet into my backpack, thanked the cashier (all without looking at anyone) as I took my change and strode out of the shop.

"So, someone's been counting." I could hear the amusement in his voice as he followed me out. At least he was polite enough for me to finish paying before speaking to me again.

I abruptly stopped just outside of the door and turned to face him, tilting my head up to look at him.

"You left without even a word, or a text might I add and this is the first time I'm seeing and hearing from you." I managed to keep my voice even. "Oh and I presume you must have died or something, that's why you didn't send one measly text, right? So, yeah, welcome back from the dead."

I just snapped. I had no idea where all that anger came out of all of a sudden. I wasn't feeling myself.

I turned to head back towards my house but two steps later, he had jogged around me and stood in front. He scratched the back of his head as he pressed his lips into a line.

"I, uh, kind of left my phone at home in all the rush. Trust me, Foyles, it was an emergency and I had to go. I didn't even know how long I'd be away for, but I thought my sister would have told you. I'm sorry." He seemed genuine.

"Firstly, don't call me Foyles! Why do you call me that too? And secondly, I'm assuming you won't be telling me what this emergency was! And also, I haven't seen your sister at all since you left. Anyways I've got an assignment due soon, so I gotta get home quickly." I proceeded to move around him, but, yet again, he blocked my path, stretching his arms to hold me in place by pressing onto my shoulders.

"I came up with the nickname in the first place, remember?" He smiled, in an attempt to lighten the mood as he addressed each question. "You're good at guessing. I can't exactly tell you why I had to go."

Ah, that was right. I thought back to the first time he used the nickname. My Aunty had just had her baby and I went to Westfield in Stratford to find a gift. I thought a book was the perfect idea and hastened towards the other end of the shopping mall, towards the bookstore Foyles. Mike had caught me exiting Foyles and after several minutes of laughter, began calling me Foyles in an ironic way. You see, I don't like reading all that much, or studying for that matter. It was probably a shock to him and anyone else who hears about this story, which my other friends have (including Das and Olivia), so much so, that it was hilarious to them. From then on, my nickname was Foyles. I was in a hurry to get to my Aunty's house, that it was several days later before I could explain the situation to him, however, by then, the name had spread far and wide (amongst all my friends, that is).

"I only make logical guesses. Right, now that's settled. I would really appreciate it if you could let me leave. I really should be getting home." My anger towards him was slowly dissipating.

"Foyles, don't give me the cold shoulder. This is not like you. I ––"

My hiss interrupted his sentence, and I placed a hand on his left shoulder for support. A stream of pain shot through the same line from when my shoulder blades were being singed earlier, only it felt deeper this time, as if my flesh was being cut using the same burning sensation. I tightened my grip on his shoulder, the pain increasing.

"Hestia, are you alright?" Concern was evident from his voice and he quickly placed his hands on my waist to stable me.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly, attempting to prevent the extent of the pain being expressed through a scream. I didn't want Mike to think I was a weakling, or anyone else for that matter. Nor did I need anyone to worry about me, I wasn't worth it. I could feel it; I just had to endure it for a little longer, since the pain was slowly easing. After the intense pain had subsided, the areas were left throbbing. I struggled to stand up straight, letting go of Mike, but immediately limped forwards, the energy sucked out of me.

"Woah!" Mike leaned forward and wrapped his arm around my waist and picked up my hand to place it around his shoulder. "What happened?"

"I... my shoulder blades," I managed. I couldn't exactly lie my way out of this. I didn't have the brain power at that moment to think of a lie, anyway.

Mike lifted up the hand that held my waist slightly, still allowing me to lean against his body for support, and gently touched my right shoulder blade. Weirdly enough, I felt no sting or pain upon his touch. I had been preparing myself to yelp in pain from the pressure of his touch.

"I can't feel anything," he commented.

"W-what?" I could've sworn it felt like my skin and flesh were being ripped apart.

"You sound rather weak, let me help you to your house. Here, hand me your bag." He stretched out his free hand and I, very slowly, shrugged the bag off my shoulder and handed it to him.

I couldn't refuse his offer, even if I wanted to. It would have probably taken me a couple of hours to get home if I'd gone alone, due to the amount of energy that was sucked out of me. It took us close to forty five minutes to walk the usual fifteen minute from the off licence, as my strides were very slow and we had to stop a couple of times for me to catch my breath. He had offered to carry me, but that was not going to happen.

"Thank you," I whispered as we approached our front parking lot. I felt rather bad since he didn't complain even once, especially with his thin black, V-neck jumper on, he was bound to be feeling the chill of the night.

He rang the doorbell since it was too much effort to go through my pocket for my keys, and there was no way I was going to let him go through it for me. Dad's car wasn't parked outside, so he must be out. It had just gone past midnight so when the door creaked open, I expected what came next.

"Where have you been?" Mum's voice screeched as it reached a new high. 


A/N ~ Hey, y'all... So finally updated the chapter, haha! Who enjoyed it? O-oooh, so new character, whatcha think of him? Like? Dislike? Who do you think he is to her and why do you think he disappeared without telling her? 

Also the video above was kinda pointless, I just thought it was cute. haha... Okay, so I've been a little ill so that's why there's been a delay in upload. 

Hope you enjoyed it, nonetheless. 

Thank you all

~ Zana 

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