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has been SOLD as the best thing

since sliced Dinosaurs;

keen on the biggest profits;

keen to grip them tight;

despises the strugglers,

casting them outside the gate.

     RED in TOOTH and CLAW

businesses kill off

opposition, failures, and the poor -

often rearranges us

instead of uniting us.

Trade distorts, twists men.



uses, disrespects workers

and only a few

can amass enough to feel secure-

Opium for the masses;

profits for the dealers.

The Man in the Street

but not the Man in First Class

gets a right raw deal.


sell what you can, how you can -

desperate trading.

Cheap and expensive

tat sold in the free market -

it's a fool's market,

     A Salty Proverb -

sharing wealth sweetens the world

empties the Tax Havens.

    LAP DANCING pays off

student debt and the mortgage,

flexible working -

that sounds ideal for Tories;

do they invest in those clubs?


    Capitalists relax

in the better part of town

hem out the wage slaves;

where has kindness gone? -

scaffolding shelters beggars,

unlike the Tories.


    The entrepreneur

compensates competitors

who lose the sales wars?

a poor President

will ensure fair shares for all ?

UTOPIA wil come?


     I bought that VIOLIN

almost a million quid -

should have paid someone

to prevent drowning;

why must I be so greedy?

     Old Testament Jubilees

empty Tax Havens,

wipe the record clean,

scatter the hidden, frozen currency

back to the starting line

for the communal walk.

ENTROPY   ****Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora