Chapter one The beginning

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Before earth was ever to existence two brave hero's names DJ and Rave were legends to the multi Univers from the monster that was ripping out time and space. The monster name was Ray. He wanted to mess with the time lines and put rule under his name. But DJ and Rave stopped him from his evil doing. But now a new threat comes to the place and that threat is named Eran. Eran is made a weapon in Ray's eyes to destroy Rave and DJ

Chapter 2

Eran is close to being made 40mins left to the DNA becomes one Ray sees DJ and rave. Ray goees to the speaker for they can hear him "you came at last i've been waiting for you to assholes now when my work is done ill have everything in my rule"* he said while luaghing* rave replied "No you are not. Me and DJ will stop you for the last time and peace will once come again."*she said while raising her first.* rave talks again to DJ saying they will have to split up to find and destroy the threat *rave goes down the right hallway while DJ goes to the left side. Alone wolf sans is running towards rave to stop her. Alone wolf sans sees her half way and stops her "you must turn around now rave" *alone said gripping his claws* "i think i dont have to do anything but stop that spouse "god" that rays making" *she slowly picks out her scythe from her back it glows with darkness her angle wings flap out having darkness in them* they both slash at each other faster then the speed of light. *rave slashes with her scythe going crazy with it.* *alone doesnt seem affected but his body gets cut in half his whole body slowly turns into dust while his soul breaks his final words was* "he will be complete" *she runs to the lab seeing dj already there *you can see eran in the water tank 99% complete*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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