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I'm so happy Mom let me take a vacation. I've been so workaholic these past few months because every weeks we are receiving many ambassadors of our company. I'm the one who's fixing their papers about work. Arkisha Cynthella Go is my name. Half American, half Chinese. We own a Go Company, International shipping and travelling Enterprises Incorporation. Not just that, I, myself owns a boutique, Cynthella's Boutique, but it's not an international yet because my business is just starting.

So as I was saying, Mom gave me a one week vacation, no work-calling. Even her and Dad won't call me. Maybe because they realized I had been workaholic enough. Mom knew that Azrael's my bestfriend. We've been so close since centuries, I think? I'm taking him with me on my vacation. Because just like me, he is very workaholic. And I know we deserve to take a rest.


It's our last night here in a cruise ship that my family owns. But they don't know that I'm here with Azi. We already had our dinner earlier this evening, we're taking a rest because we made a plan to join on a party tonight. It's our last night here, this must be enjoyful and unforgettable because we rarely got a chance to leave our work.

An hour before the party. I took a bath then I wore my above the knee see through red cocktail dress. It is made by me, didn't I tell you that I own a boutique? I'm the one who made and do the designs of the gowns and anything that is there. I also put a make up, I'm having my dark aura smokey eye and a nude lipstick. I'm almost done. "Are you ready, Arki?" Azi asked. I nodded and smiled. We had our days amazing, and it is so refreshing, that finally we had a long rest that we deserve.

"Come. Let's go. We're ten minutes late, Arki. You took so long to fix yourself, huh." Azi said, I chuckled. "You used it, Azi. Don't whine as if it happens just now." I replied.

"Aye, aye. Take my hand, let's go now." He said so did I.

Two hours had passed and I'm not yet drunk. Who would get drunk easily, right? "Whooooo, lez parteeeeh!!!!" I said as I twerk with the guys around me. "Hey, dickhead!!!" I yelled because some guy just touched my butt. "You're rude huh!!! Don't you know that I'm the owner of this cruise ship huh???" I yelled again. He cup my face and kissed me torridly. Oh my God!

I kissed him back and grab him closer to me. We're kissing torridly as if no one's around. I pulled away because I realized what I did. "Holy fucker!" I said and leave the bar.

What the fuck did I do? Am I drunk? I don't get drunk easily. Why did I kissed back a random guy? Was I insane? "Damn it!" I whined. I massage my forehead, as I sit on a bench. I have to calm down before I go back there. "You okay, Arkisha?" Azi asked out of the blue. I didn't know he's here.

"I hope so, Azi! Some random guy just touched my butt and cupped my face then kissed me. What's more suprising? I kissed him back. I kissed someone I didn't know. That guy might think I'm an easy girl, you know." I said, ugh, why am I suddenly get emotional? That should not be a big deal because it's nothing. "Oh for you to forget it, let's cheers on that." He said as he handed me a bottle of hard alcohol. I take it and drink it as if it's not giving a hot thing on my throat.

"Do you remember my college lover, Vienne? She's sending me a lot of stuffs for fucking three months. And she's saying a lot of sweet things as if she never hurt me and broke my heart before." Azi just confessed now. Although we are so close to each other, for him, it's a personal thing if we talk about Vienne.

"So you're saying, she wants you back? Like that?" I asked. If only someone saw how miserable Azi was when Vienne left him without an explanation and she suddenly pops up with some guy, kissing in a public place. You'll see how much Azi loves Vienne because he cried. He fucking cried. We know guys doesn't want someone to see them crying because it's stepping their egos. But no, Azi showed me how weak was he.

"Yeah. You know how much I loved her, right? It's not big deal but damn it! I might fall again----- no, I think I'm falling." He said, laughing.

"Oh Azrael, you've got to be kidding me. You said you moved on." I chuckled.

"You know I want you to see me as a strong man. Arkisha, if you're weak, I want to be strong for you. If we both stays weak, nothing will happen. We'll just get sad both." He said.

"So why bother saying these now?" I asked. "Because if you woke up tommorow, you'll forget everything due to being drunk." He said and then he laugh out loud.

"Oh, Azi. I'll tell you everything tommorow. Summarized." I said. "Done with this." I saw him the bottle he gave me is empty.

"Sober, huh." He said. "Let's go to our unit. We should sleep now, our flight is 7 in the morning, and it's 2 midnight." As much as I want to say no, he grab my hand and we went to our unit.

A night with HimWhere stories live. Discover now