The immortal super wolf (Young Justice: invasion FanFiction)

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disclaimer: I do not own young justice, the characters except for Oliver, Steven, mom: Kathy, Dad: miles, nor the show Young Justice Invasion.

Steven Jones's POV...

One night I was typing a story when I was supposed to be heading to sleep, then all of a sudden after I got to sleep afterwards it was suddenly light outside and I saw it loop from light to dark outside and I turned on my computer and saw the digital clock was going very fast back and forth from 9 to 12 at night and after 5 times of that it goes back 2 hours and then takes longer to get to 12 at night. I was unaffected nor was anything I touched and I saw my mom going back and forth all over the place and I touched her and she stopped and said after seeing the time go back and forth outside, “what is happening” and I said, “someone messed up time, badly, anything I touch is not effected but clocks show it and every 5 times it goes back and forth completely it goes backwards 2 hours and then shows it takes longer to reverse and go forward.” I then felt a stopwatch appear in my right hand and it was with a button that was labeled with engraving, “fix timeline” and I pushed it and it was back at 9 at night and I said, “woe, seems like this stopwatch was the cause, there is a alternation switch on it that will turn time back and forth, there is a switch for fixing time, and there is a switch for going backwards or forwards thru time, but I think I should not mess with the last two settings I just spoke of.” I then heard a man speak behind me and he said, “right you are” and I looked back and saw a guy in a lab-coat and he said with a second stopwatch in his right hand too, “I accidentally removed myself from the timeline with the last two settings, the watch is the only thing keeping me anchored, I was stuck in a dimension full of equations and facts so I know everything including an equation that will keep me anchored as long as I remember it.” I then heard him say that he could help me apply myself back to the timeline for in fixing time I also erased myself by accident but did not erase my mom. I then went with him to the dimension and got memories burned into my head as soon as I got there and I usually forget stuff but I now will never forget anything. The guy said, “this dimension has a mind of it’s own but will do things to you that you have been wanting for a while, your new wolf tail and your wolf ears for instance is simply a sample of what it can do, it turned your hair to a color of exactly snow to match your tail and ears plus has got rid of all that acne debris plus even given you perfect skin and muscles, you might even find that you will stay perfectly clean and dry no matter what and will use everything you eat or drink perfectly so you will not produce any, byproducts.” I then felt my tail wag, I was sort of enjoying being in the dimension anyway and I got all the super powers and godly powers imaginable with me able to use them exactly how I want to use them without any consequences. I then felt the stop-watch leave my hand and I got a digital version with infinite battery power and component life, the version is not with flaws and has a button for fixing time, 8 dials for time travel, a button for starting and stopping time, and also a button for a backlight. The watch clamped on strongly and locked onto me and it will resize with me and stay on no matter what plus keep accurate time for anywhere including the off bell system at school.

I got back home and my mom said as I appeared in front of her, “where is that other man” and I said, “stuck in that dimension he pulled me into, it alters anyone who goes in for either to what they want to be or what they need to be, mine happened to be a bit of both, the watch I have on is never going to come off and is my new anchor to this world in case I get erased again.” I was not tired anymore and my watch was on my left wrist and I got my homework done after stopping time and doing it and once I started time I got the homework into my backpack and I appeared in front of the scientist team of the guy I met and I said as they were trying to create another watch, “don’t create another watch or you will ruin time again and risk getting stuck in a pocket dimension like your professor did, he saved me from being stuck there and the dimension is very altering so don’t go there.” They said, “how do we know you are not tricking us” and I had them hold hands and I held the last of the line of people’s hand and I turned the dial a hour forward in time and they saw the clock on the wall speed up and their watches speed up too. I threw a ball half way thru and they saw it speed up as soon as it left my hand and I said, “try not to ruin time again or you will make the universe cease to exist” once we arrived at the hour. The scientists said that they will not conduct any more experiments and make shore no one else tries time experiments again. I got to school with 10 minutes to spare and I had eaten nothing for breakfast so I went to the lunch room and ate a few pancakes that they were serving. I was now wearing Jeans, shoes, and a T-shirt not including my backpack and that was about it. I had cut a hole for my tail and it was snowing outside so I had a blue hoodie jacket on for I stayed warm much better than most now. Once officer Beniville came over he asked about my tail and I wrapped it around me and blushed and he said, “well you are more shy than usual, guess you don’t have to answer.” 

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