Where It Began

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Gray. If you were asked to list the colors you've seen today, would you say gray right away? It's a dull boring color. Black and white have been used so many times in symbols, that even though it's dull, it's interesting. But gray. That was it. Not interesting, vibrant, symbolic, or pretty. Though, that color would describe perfectly how Jeffrey was feeling right now. In a cage being pulled by a horse with his fellow people. He didn't have much on him, but he didn't have much at all in his life. He and his race was cast away to the side of the country, but if that wasn't enough to calm their fear, they are now most likely going to be killed. Maybe if he's lucky he'll see his grandpa. Wonder we'd he say if he was here damn I wish I at least had that bucket with me! Probably take three or four before they get me down, haha! He was strong. Their family are made to be. They didn't believe in using the powers given to them for violence. If they did that'd just prove the fears they had of them. Then again, it didn't seem to matter anyway now. The cart hit a bump making the cage rattle.
"Nearly there!" The man driving the cart told us. Not that he needed to. The contour of the shadow told them clearly. A castle. Jeffrey turned his head and saw more of his people like him in cages headed towards the castle. That should be his final resting place. Not next to his grandpa like he wanted to. Why was this happing? He asked himself. His race had been hated for decades. Didn't they take enough? He barely had food when knights broke though his cell and grabbed him. Jeffrey was actually surprised that they took the prisoners of the village and didn't just kill them. The shadow of the castle loomed over them showing history of the cracked bricks, the moat, the moss and vines on the sides of the castle topped with a flag on top of it. He took a deep breath as his brothers around him shook and trembled.

A servant walked out of a room stumbling over the red carpet outside nearly hitting a torch. He straighted his clothes and briskly walked away. Inside the room was the princess of the kingdom. She sat against the window with her arms on the boarder of the opening in the wall. The sight of horses carrying things to their death in cages was something to see. They're terrified. One throwing up in the back of the line, while many in corners crying. She was surprised though. Why weren't any of them using their powers? She thought seeing them make things float and throwing them would ease her boredom, but none of them did anything than cower. She sighed and skimmed though their faces. The purple eyes that their race had in common was frantic in everyone of them. No. Not all of them. A boy sitting in the middle of his cage talking to his people was calm. In fact he was calming the rest of them down. And a man a few cages behind him with a sight beard and matted hair was yawning casually trying to sleep. She focused on the boy though. Slim, tall, light skinned. Before she could observe what else he had to show a flash of lighting stole her attention. Her eyes and ears took a minute to recover to the scene of a man with sparks around him and a crater beneath his feet. He looked insane after striking his own cage with lighting to break free, at the cost of the lives of the people inside with him. He shouted at his fellow things to join him and run free. But no one payed attention. The princess was surprised. If they all had abilities like that they could probably escape. The man still shouted, but was cut off short when an arrow from the castle guard struck his chest causing him to go limp and stumble before another arrow hit his forehead forcing him to drop dead. The horses resumed towards the castle as if nothing happened. The things looked away at their fallen brother, as if nothing happened. The princess sighed. Her boredom began to return once everything got back in order. From how high she was in the castle they looked like ants. She considered calling in the butler and make him balance a torch on his head again.

The guards threw him into his cell very *generously*. The chains attached to his wrist and ankles dragged on the floor as he hopped into his bed. Jeffrey sighed and tried to rest. He was nervous. They knew this day would come. His cell had nothing but a bed and a door. There was no light but he could make his way though, he was used to having no light, after all.
"Hey!" A mysterious voice called. Jeffrey said nothing. "Where you a prisoner too?" Jeffrey purposely dragged his chains on the loudly. "I knew it, heard you when you came in." Jeffrey realized that there was a small hole in the wall. The person in the cell next to him was the one talking with him. "Lazy bastards. They just burst into the slammer and rip our chains off the wall telling us to walk." He heard him split on the ground. "I guess the same happened to you huh?" Jeffrey once again dragged his chains. "Hehaha" he responded. "My name's Crosst. You?" Jeffrey told him his name.
"Hm. I guess it suits you." Jeffrey told him that he going to bed and Crosst said that he'd get back to *work*.
The princess sat in front of a mirror while her maid brushed her hair. The maid untangled her black locks of hair while talking to her.
"What do you think I should today?" The still-bored princess asked.
"Maybe a walk would help, master" the maid suggested.
The maid was under a trace by the princess's appearance. It'd be easier to count the times she wasn't
Her maid had short brown hair, and was taller then her by a few inches. Her soft eyes and freckles always made the princess trust her. She pondered for awhile. Isn't this a bit too risky? Couldn't they break out anytime? And why don't they?
"Hmm hey Clair" the princess called to her maid. Clair's head snapped at attention and gave her undivided attention. She knew whenever the princess said her name means she's going to say something grand. "I wanna see them" Clair paused. Then after realizing the princess wasn't going to take back what she said, she sighed.
"They're going to be executed."
"In the dungeon tomorrow at noon"
"Why not outside like usual?"
"Your father wanted it to be quick and forgettable" Clair informed her while finishing brushing. "He even called Purple Genocide to make sure everything goes smoothly" the princess eyes widened. So that's why he isn't worried about them breaking out... She thought back to the things in cages being led to their death. They were so strange. Most didn't fight back. Only a few did but none of them even seemed to care, they just looked the other way. Why? She was sick of asking herself that question. Curiosity pushed her boredom away.
"I'll see them during the execution."
"It will not be a pretty sight..."
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Jeffrey!"
Jeffrey moaned and begged for more sleep before coming to his senses. "I think their starting the executions! I just heard people being dragged away screaming! You might be next judging from the order thier grabbing people." Crosst quietly yelled with palpable concern. Jeffrey was immediately awoken by his words and started shaking. Then the fear cloud over his head grew as he heard the cell to his left open followed by screaming that grew louder, quieter, then mute by a door slamming. "Just please hold out! I'm almost through the door!" He said to Jeffrey desperately. However, his hope was chocked with despair as Jeffrey's cell door opened flooding his cell with light. Jeffrey's eyes were first squinted, but soon were filled with terror as two men charged in and dragged the screaming boy out of his cell. Crosst began to work faster than ever, fueled by Jeffrey's screams and his own fear. Jeffrey's voice quickly became horse, replaced by tears. The men dragged him to the door at the end of the corridor. The cell's doors behind him were already open, yet no one was in them. In front of him was no better, people wailing behind the doors or banging at them like mad. Though Jeffrey had no time to take this in, his chains rattled, his hair a mess, his eyes, waterfalls. This was it. His final moments. They opened the door at his final destination. A big man with his face covered in a black sac with eye holes cut out. He had a black beard, with a horrifying axe so large it seemed almost cumbersome. He was wiping blood off of it when Jeffrey came in. There a block in the middle of the grey room with a "u" cut in near the top. One of the guards shoved his knee on his back and forced his neck onto the block's "u". The other one tied his hands together. Then they left. Jeffrey's eyes where closed tightly.
"I'll make this quick..." The executioner said with an accent he wasn't sure of. Jeffrey's breathing became heavier. He tried remembering his final moments. The cell. Crosst. This room with two doors. The one on his right in which he was shoved in, and one to his left, which the executioner is standing in front of. The man lifted his axe high. I'll see you soon uncle. That's was his last thought, before he heard the axe cut through the air being swung down. However, in this one second, two things happened. In the door to his right, a guard yelled at someone to stop, and the door to his left, someone lightly knocked. Jeffrey's sight flung upside down and spun before landing of the side. He saw the executioner's brown leather shoes before it went dark.
Noil. That's his last feeling. "Last, final, end, etc" the things that clouded his mind. He knew he was dead. Yet it was bright. He was floating. In a white void. A figure was on the horizon. Jeffrey couldn't make out anything about it other than it must be a girl. She smiled. He also didn't see it. But felt it. His right hand throbbed. Jeffrey's eyes wondered to it. A symbol. A star in a circle. But it had a question mark in the middle of it. And lines in the edges, carved on his hand. The circle had writing around it that he couldn't understand. When Jeffrey looked up from his hand, to have his vision dominated by the face of the girl in the distance. Her eyes were coved by her blond hair. Her lips moved, although no sound came out, he knew what she said.
"Thank you"
Jeffrey closed his eyes at peace.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Jeffrey!"
Jeffrey's eyes opened. Crosst was quietly screaming at him. Jeffrey couldn't hear him. He realized it. He was in the dark void. His cell.

" Déjà vu from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the feeling that the situation currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past."-Wikipedia

"Even if you've already done it, you might see something you haven't seen before the 20th time"-kevininfierno

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