Chapter II

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New York, USA, Two days ago

Horns honked and people cursed as everyone tried to make their way through the busy traffic. Sae was enclosed away from the chaos, sipping coffee in a cafe. However, she had a chaos of her own to contend with. Her fingers were poised over the keyboard as she wondered what to type. Just yesterday, her parents had sent her an email asking her to visit them in Japan. It had been so sudden, so strange. Until now, they'd never properly acknowledged her as an complete individual separate from Mika. She even doubted that they'd realise that she existed in the first place. Sae took another sip of coffee. She wouldn't consider herself estranged from her parents, but she didn't care for them much either. Something about her parents' email tugged at her heart, however. She'd been in New York for a year already, and the homesickness was starting to set in. Maybe returning to Japan for a while wouldn't hurt. While she wasn't particularly excited about seeing her parents, she was definitely missing Mika. Smiling to herself, she typed out her response.
"So you said this was about two days before the murder?" Xi Lun asked.

"Yes." Sae merely answered. "Can I ask something?"

"Go on ahead."

"Why do I have to talk about something that happened two days before my sister's murder?"

"If you are indeed the culprit, then we'll have to piece together the events that would've led up to the murder. Right down to when you decided to return to Japan."

Sae winced. "I don't care what anyone else says. I didn't kill them."

Xi Lun nodded. "I'm not pinning the murder on you explicitly-- "

Sae's hands slammed against the table. "Yes, you are. I know for a fact that I'm the only suspect, and the evidence all pile up against me."

"Miss Kanashiro, please calm down. We can discuss this once we're done with your story."

Sae sat back down, dejected. It didn't matter whether she was truly innocent or not, so long as the proof was there, there was no use denying it. If anything, it'd just make her more desperate than she already seemed.

"Everything will come together in the end. In the end, I believe justice will be served." Xi Lun murmured softly. Sae wondered if these words were meant for him in part.

Xi Lun cleared his throat. "So. What happened when you arrived at Japan?"

"My sister and her boyfriend picked me up from the airport, and we went to our parents' house."
Mika looked as beautiful as ever. Her shiny black hair cascaded like a waterfall down her back, and her rosy heart-shaped face was lit up with happiness. In her bright red dress and heels, she looked like a model. Her boyfriend Yuuki was also very handsome, with sculpted features and a sharp jawline. Together, the both of them were almost unreal. And here I am, still single. Mom and dad would be so, so proud. Sae thought bitterly. No matter what she did, her sister would always seem ten times more beautiful. She'd really been missing out on her family. She didn't even know Mika had a boyfriend until she rolled up in a sleek sports car with hers.

"Sae, you have no idea how much I've missed you. So much has happened ever since you left!" Mika chirped.

"Of course." Sae replied with thinly disguised hostility.

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