Matt's "Friend"

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"Dude, she totally digs you." The hooded figure whispered to Matthew. Matt shivered under its gaze. "I understand that," he drew his blanket around him tighter. "But I already told you, I have no interest in anybody other than you." The figure touched a pale hand to its chest. "I'm touched, honestly, but you know the rules. The only reason I'm here is because you decided to sell your soul for that stupid book. It's a book! You could have bought one for 50 cents at a thrift store!" The figure huffed, making people within ten feet of it shiver. "Babe, you're gonna cause it to snow. Relax." Matt wanted to go inside, but he needed to practice. he grabbed the figure's hand, and dragged them into an alcove. "Now what was tha-" the figure was cut off by Matt stuffing a muffin in its mouth. It mumbled angrily through the muffin. Matt pulled out the book, and mumbled in what sounded like Latin. "Can I look at you now? I've taken all the precautions. I can't die from your glance. I won't tell anybody. Please?" The figure took a breath. Then slowly lowered the hood. The figure was...


Ha ha. That was very anticlimatic. Hope you enjoyed that. I'm doing this instead of my essay. GO PROCRASTINATION!!!! But really I am going to die my mother will kill me if i don't finish this. Have a good day and try not to die! Remember Author-chan loves you.

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