Bandhua - Sukor

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As promised here the update.
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Recap; Arjun Suraj r at his college. Ranjana got to know abt Suraj coming n informed KN, who send his goons with the mission to kill Suraj.

Ragini- Papa u stopped me at a bad moment. Vivaan n Imli r trying but since yet no child news. That's a big point I can use against him... but y is Papa so happy? -.

Vivaan - Ragini how dare she to ask Imli n me abt our child plan. Imli u will make a test I need to know if u r a problem or me. Ragini u r playing with fire it will cost u alot... y is he so happy there is something fishy -.

KN was excited n waiting for the call. The final call which will solve all his problems n he will be again the real ruler of Azaadghanj. No1 will dare to go against him first he finished Chakors career, then he made Suraj a Bandhua n now he is going to kill his son.

The phone rung... KN looked the mobile phone seeing the numver made him happy. KN smiled n strove his beard. KN picked up the phone...
Death... defeat... finish...

Ranjana was looking at him with excitement n happiness. Ranjana; Kamal ji what r they saying is he death is Suraj finally death did we succeeded Kamal ji please don't made us wait say it.

KN drops the phone he hears her but was lost in his own world.
Death... defeat... finish...
the voice was echoing in his ears saying
...Death... I'm not death
...Defeat... u can't defeat me I will always be ready for u
...finish... I will finish u KN that's a promise of me Suraj N. Rajvanshi! Remember it.

Ranjana saw his stirlessness he wasn't reacting at anything. She took the phone Hello...?. But the phone was off. Kamal ji she shook him but he didn't react the only thing was... How could he survive? Ranjana; what. Suraj survived he is still alive how?.

Let me tell u how he is the damn hero of the story I can't let him die 😂.

Btw I love the bromance so have fun 😉

Suraj n Arjun meet Suraj principal.
Principal; Suraj Rajvanshi I thought to see u never again n not asking me to give u copys of ur certificates I'm not very surprised that u mislaid them. Arjun was trying not to laugh. Suraj hem n looked in an anger way to Arjun 😒😡. Arjun signals him sorry. Suraj; Sir can we u give me the certificates. Please. The principal looked at Arjun; aren't u the trainer of the famous marathon runner... I'm sorry I don't remember her name but her no. 501. Arjun nodded the runner u r talking abt is Chakor... Suraj Rajvanshi. The principal looked at Suraj who was blushing. U r married to Chakor runner 501 wow. Finally u got a gud woman who is independent n selfrespected n confident. Suraj; yeah. That's true. Arjun; may I ask u a question? The principal; sure! Arjun looked over to Suraj n asked the principal how was he at College time? Suraj glance at him y r h asking his face said. Arjuns face said for fun 😁.
The principal he was very naughty n mischievous n a goon. Suraj; let it go Sir...😣.

Principal; Suraj u never used ur full potential n u know that. But still u got a great end result passing the exam with 89 % was a surprise for us n ur re-writing it was just a prove of ur knowledge n intelligence. Arjun; re-write? Principal; we suspected him of cheating but he didn't no he did much better but the first result was the right one. Arjun - his potential is huge -.

The principal; he was gud at sport n his fav activity was drinking... Arjun looked at him 😡. Suraj 😶. The principal; continues but his heart was always on the right side. Arjun; how Do u mean this? The principal; he used to say that tgere is a thin line between reality n fun n those who cross the line will get a punishment. He always helped the poor ones the girls who got harassed by other male students. Suraj always said he has a sister n won't tolerate if some1 would misbehave or haress her. Arjun turned to see Suraj - he never forget her 😊 -. Suraj looked around.

Suraj; Sir it's getting late we have to leave. The principal; I'm sorry ah one moment... here we have ur certificates I wish u all the best. Suraj; Thank u 🤝. Suraj wanted to take his hand back but the principal didnt leave him. Suraj looked at the principal confusely.  Suraj; Sir, is there something u wanna tell us?. The principal; yeah ur mother... I'm sorry ur step-mother called a few weeks ago. She told me u have left ur home n family business which actually made me surprised n seeing this stamp on ur wrist made me realised that I did a big mistake. Suraj n Arjun looked worried. Suraj; what did u do? The principal; she asked me to inform here if u should ever contact us. I'm sorry Suraj bug I thought they want u to come home. Suraj; it's ok. We r here they coukd come anytime we need to be prepared. Arjun; how?. Suraj was thinking 💡. Sir call them n asked them how far they r so we can know how much time it will take them. The principal made the call n said they reached Lucknow.

Suraj took Arjun. Arjun; Suraj where r we going? Suraj; I'm not a coward I will fight but I can't let anything happen to u. So I am hiding u. Arjun; what?. Suraj; yes. Come he took him to the sports ground n made him hid behind the sports hall. Suraj took a hockey stick n a Cricket bat n was waiting for their arriving.

The goon came n Suraj was ready. A goon; Suraj babu today is ur last day on earth. Arjun - what he wants to fight alone with all of them he won't succeed -. Suraj waited for the first  hit n one of the 7 goons hit him well tried to hit him. He beats him up n 2 more goons were attacking him Arjun couldn't bear it n helped him. Now it was 2 against 2 but the rest of the goons didn't wait long. They attacked them together. Arjun got a hit. Suraj; Jiju... u remember what happens when some1 try to hit or harm Chakor our wild n angry young man awake n this was same here he was in a kind of intoxication. Suraj beat them all n took the phone n dailed the number of KN.
Death... defeat... finish...

Suraj throw away the phone n Arjun was back in his sense. Arjun; Suraj how this happen?. Suraj; no1 can harm my family n from Now on u will listen to me when I say no fight. Arjun; uff ok. My head is pounding let's go hero. Suraj; yeah I'm ur hero 😁. Arjun 😣.

It took them the night but Suraj drove the way back home.


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