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@caspar_lee- yo, she blocked me and the rest of the buttercream gang

ik- @joe_sugg

@caspar_lee- I think you should apologise

I've been trying Caspar but she blocked me!- @joe_sugg

@caspar_lee- she might not listen to you but she might listen to the girl you were hanging out with!

That's not a bad idea!- @joe_sugg

Direct Message

Hey Julia- @joe_sugg

@missjuliakelly- Hey Joe. I am so sorry about the other night!

@missjuliakelly- I can tell it hasn't set well with your girlfriend

That's actually why I am texting you!- @joe_sugg

@missjuliakelly- what?

I need you to do something for me- @joe_sugg

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