"She's a sassy sarcastic girl who has a comment for everything, but is caring and puts everyone before herself." James answers "That would be her answer."

"What about family and co workers?"

"Family about the same, co-workers I'm a quiet polite sweet girl, unless you bother me when I'm in the zone on my project."

"So you are shy at first," He states more than asks.

"I guess" She says as she finishes the dishes moving on to clean something else.

Bucky watches her bustle around the kitchen cleaning everything, becoming very intrigued by the girl, while he tries to figure out why he was sent to her. That's when an idea pops in his head her best friend got sent to Steve because she was his soulmate, what if this girl is his.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks as she moves to cleaning the living room.

"You just did, but shoot."

"Is Bianca you first or middle name?"

This stops James in her tracks on the way to the end table she slowly turns and looks at him a little confused and shocked.

"That's a strange question, why do you ask."

"Answer first then I will tell you."

"Its my first, now why." She says easily lying

"My soulmates middle name is Bianca."

"Oh well sorry to disappoint."

"No need to say sorry doll, nothing you can do I'll find her eventually."

"What's her name?"

"Jamesina Bianca Sargent."

"It's a nice name, interesting but nice, she like the girl version of you."

"Her name yes, I couldn't tell you her personality or looks though." He sighs "Why are you cleaning so much? Do you always clean on saturdays?"

"Why would you, you haven't met her." James says ignoring his questions.

"Bianca! would you stay still for just a minute."

James looks at him stopping for a second and shaking her head she could sit still when she was feeling like this, her anxiety was getting to her. She shouldn't be lying to him but something was holding her back telling her not to say anything to him.

"Hey, what's wrong doll what are you fussing so much." Bucky says coming up to her and putting his hands on her shoulders making her stop and look at him.

"Nothing I'm fine just need to clean we haven't cleaned in a while." James says quickly trying to pull away.

"It is clearly not nothing, what is wrong?" He asks again tightening his grip.

"I'm perfectly fine, now would you find something to do out of my way."

Bucky hold his hands up in defence before backing up and heading to sit down in the kitchen since she already cleaned in there. As she ran around she started humming to nothing, until she paused turned on the tv then went to her phone, after a minute of being on her phone music started blaring from the TV, how Bucky had no idea but he just went with it. Not to much later she moved to the hallway then into the rooms. Bucky followed, wondering why she was like this. When she leaned down to pick something up he noticed her dog tags fall from her shirt.

"He's a solider?" Bucky asks

"Who is?"

"Your soulmate."

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