Part 1

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"A Sargent aren't you living up to your name." James's boss says coming up to her.

"If you say so sir" She says slightly distracted by her work.

"I've also noticed that you are wearing dog tags"

"I wear them everyday sir"

"Oh then it's your soulmate necklace?"

"That would be correct" James sighs not want to have this conversation

"So your guy is in the Army? you know I could ask some of my friends in army to ask around."

"No need sir"

"You've met him then?"

"No he is dead" James says simply

"Oh I'm sorry how did you find out?"

"On my 21st birthday they called me, after seeing his locket with my name on it."


"Yeah a mostly silver Star shaped locket with my name engraved on the back the front being red." She responds drawing it out with the pencils at her desk

"Where did you see that Miss?" A new voice says

"It's the necklace my soulmate had with my name on it" James responds not looking up.

"Is that so?"

"Yes si-Oh hello Mr. Lee" She says now looking up and seeing Stan Lee.

"What do we owe the pleasure sir" Her boss asks

"I'm just going around seeing what's going on in the different departments." Stan responds "May I borrow your employee for a few?"

"Go right ahead she is as much mine as yours" James boss says and boy did James think that was creepy sounding

"Would you come with me miss I would like to talk to you about something and." Stan says starting to leave "And bring the drawing"

"Uh yes sir" James says getting up and following Stan.

They walk down the hall to the elevator in silence. Once in the elevator Stan turns to the girl and smiles.

"First off do you have a name?"

"Yes sir, it's Jamesina Sargent most call me either Sargent or Bianca"

"Drop the sir it's to formal for me Stan is fine, Now why Bianca?"

"It's my middle name some don't like calling me what they assume is a boy's name."

"You are like the girl version of Barnes."

"I've been told it probably don't help that my best is a blond blue eyed girl named Stevie"

"Ah let me guess a lot like Rogers?"

"Correct we both have similar personalities to the boys, plus it don't help that we have their looks for being gals that is."

"Your friend works here correct?" He asks as they walk out of the elevator


"Well I'll have my receptionist call her up for now let's talk about this drawing of your's"

"Why is it so interesting?" James says following him into a room that looked like a lounge.

"Have a seat" He says motioning to a couch "Is it really your soulmates?"

"I have no Idea I just didn't explain the truth to my boss"


James sighs and takes off her dog tags, before passing them to Stan. He takes them and looks over it a smile gracing his face. making James really confused that was not the reaction he thought.

"I thought so when you drew out his locket." Stan says handing them back to her.


"I made a soulmate locket for him and no one has seen it other than me and 2 close people yet you drew it out just to get you boss off your back, I've been trying to find who's name goes on the back of it and now I know."

"You are talking as if the boy is real that's a little cock-eyed don't you think."

"The girl who looks and talks like she belongs in the 40's thinks that is crazy that is interesting."

"uhhh" is all James can say when there is a knock on the door

"Come in Stevie" Stan says

"Oh uh hi sir you called for me?" Stevie says walking in

"Yes and no need for the formalities have a seat"

"So why am I here?" She asks sitting next to her best friend "Hello Bianca"

"Hey Stevie" James smiles

"Even you call her Bianca, interesting." Stan says more to himself than the girls "Stevie can you do me a favor and draw what you think your soulmates item would be."

"Uh sure" She says taking the paper and pencils then leaning on the coffee table to draw

James watches intently as her best friend draws a simple oval locket that was silver and had a purple gem embedded in the center of it. Just like James there was not a single hesitation with her drawing like she knew perfectly like she had seen it before.

"Good now can you both sign your names on your drawings"

The nod and Sign their full names Stevie Grace Rodriguez and Jamesina Bianca Sargent. then hand the papers to Stan who smiles at them.

"Why did you have me do that?"

"Well I drew both these lockets for your guy counterparts and only about two other people have seen them. Yet both of you can draw them without hesitation so it made me think you have seen them before but you see that is not possible because I would have known. I came to think that these boys are you're soulmates more as I talked to Jamesina here and then when she mentioned you it confirmed the theory more plus the fact that she showed me her dog tags and I assume that instead of a sergeant being on yours a captain will be.

"Are you saying they are real?" Stevie says

"I know that was my reaction." James says

"Ok now that it is confirmed and I have your names to draw on the back of the lockets you may go now every thing will make sense in time." Stan says getting up

"Uh Ok goodbye Stan"

"Uh yes Goodbye." Stevie says

The two girls leave more confused than they were when they went up there. instead of heading back down to do work they grabbed their stuff and headed back to their small condo.

"Are you as confused as I am." Stevie asks once in the house.

"Uhh yeah what the hell was that about and how did it start."

"My fault I was trying to get my boss off my back about my dogtags, Stan saw the picture and wanted to see me apparently they actually are the boy's necklaces"

"alrighty then you want to grab dinner and watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure"

The girls settled into their normal after work routine after that, and if they weren't trying to figure out what he meant that conversation would have been long forgotten with the next few days going completely normal and same as they always do for the girls. that is until the weekend rolled around, Friday night Stevie and James decided to do a movie marathon of Marvel movies, they use the tv in James room this time since last time they use Stevie's room, and fell asleep together there. That was not the problem, the problem was when James woke up and Stevie was not next to her. Well that is unless Stevie turned into a brunette guy, who was by the looks of it a lot taller than Stevie. 

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