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That was what I was doing. The sound of police sirens was echoing through the night, people living in the nearby buildings were curiously gathering at the windows to see what was going on and I was slowly making my way down the hallway of the apartment building I was in. My gun was in my hand, my eyes were narrowed in concentration and I was ready for action. I was supposed to wait for my coworkers to arrive, but I knew I had no time for that and the sight of the slightly opened door of the apartment I got a call from only confirmed that. 

I was technically not qualified to do these kind of things, but after hearing the sudden scream of a woman, I knew I needed to do something.

It was now or never.

I raised my foot and kicked the door open. It ended up bouncing back and hitting me in the shoulder when I barged in the apartment and I was really happy that none of my coworkers were around, because I would never hear the end of me. They were constantly picking on me and saying that I was trying too hard to be cool and act like they did in the movies already and I really wouldn't be able to handle any more. 

I was pointing my gun in front of me, turning left and right and scanning my surroundings. I instantly noticed how trashed the place was, then the woman who called and asked for help earlier screamed again. That was when I reached the end of a hallway and pointed my gun directly at the person that was standing in the middle of the living room and looking at what seemed to be a framed family portrait.

He was tall and lean and he was wearing a very expensive looking black and red suit. His black hair was swept back, one of his hands was stuffed in the pocket of his jacket and he seemed completely calm, despite being in the middle of a destroyed living room and next to a woman that had a bleeding wound on her forehead and was screaming for help. He didn't seem to care about the gun in my hand either and his mind was clearly elsewhere while he kept staring at the family portrait he found somewhere.

I was stunned by his strange presence and curious, but I quickly reminded myself of my job here.

" L-Lift your hands in the air and don't even try to do anything because I will shoot you! " I screamed and started searching for my handcuffs in the back pocket of my jeans.

The dark haired man let out a short and quiet laugh. " Your voice is not supposed to shake when you say those things, miss police officer. "

" Everything you say can and will be used against you! " I snapped back, trying really hard not to get intimidated by his presence. The woman that called and asked for help said that an armed man barged in to her apartment and even if I didn't see any weapons on him right now, I still had to be very careful.

He slowly lowered the family portrait he was looking at and put it down on the coffee table in front of him. " Are you planning to arrest me? "

I frowned, starting to get irritated by his strange questions and tone of voice. His attitude was very strange and I tried to think of what would my coworkers do in a situation like this one. They liked to say that I should listen to them, cause they were more experienced, but they still did strange things. Should I throw myself on him, knock him on the ground and forcefully put handcuffs on him like Xiumin did when criminals pissed him off?

" Hey, I am the police, which means that I ask the questions around here and you are the one that obeys to what I say! " I replied and glared at the back of the man.

He let out another humourless laugh and slowly turned around. My eyes met his black ones and I found myself staring in awe. I was not expecting him to look as handsome as he did and I could barely keep pointing my gun at him, while he smiled and took something out of his pocket. My heart dropped at the sight of the police badge and his dark eyes shined.

" That's funny, cause I'm the police too. Do you still want to pit handcuffs on me or should we save that for another time? "

Oh shit.

My cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment and I buried my face in my hands with desperation. Out of all the people that he could be, I just had to run in to another police officer. Now I really wasn't going to hear the end of this from my coworkers. I almost wished that he was a real criminal and not a policeman. 

His smile faded away and he kept looking at me intently. His dark eyes were shining and I felt like he could see right in to my soul. I could instantly tell he was at a much higher position than I was and I only hoped that he wasn't going to report this to anyone. I really didn't need another complain on my record when I just barely started this job a few months ago. 

'' I suggest you are careful when you go in the bedroom. It's not a pretty sight. I already called an ambulance for the woman. Can you take care of the rest? ''

My eyes slightly widened and I looked at the man with surprise. His face was serious and he was frowning at his phone. It seemed like he had something else that he needed to do. I opened my mouth to say something, but he didn't even wait to hear my confirmation. He walked past me without another word and left me alone in the apartment with the wounded woman and dead body in the bedroom.

I quickly phoned one of my coworkers from the murder investigation team.

'' Xiumin-sshi... I know you told me not to call you if it's not a life or death situation, but this is kind of important and I am going to need some reinforcements. We have a dead body. ''



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