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Tim drove into the city in silence. No radio on, no annoying Jay bugging about Alex, no voices in his head. Pure silence. It was as if everything knew his decision and was waiting to see if he would follow through with it. He parked his car next to a building, which one exactly, he didn't know. Nor did he care. He turned off his car and rested his head against the steering wheel, thinking of everything that's happened in the past few years.

The tall man without a face started following him again for the first time since he was a teenager. He discovered why he had random blackouts, what that god forsaken mask ment, and why he woke up either covered in blood or badly hurt. Amy went missing. Alex went berserk, even killed a man he didn't know. Jessica died. Alex murdered Jay.... the only other idiot that Tim considered a real friend.

Then Brian.... he murdered him. Tim, the psycho kid everyone said to stay away from murdered Brian, the only one who told everyone to leave 'his buddy Tim' alone. He was dead now. Gone forever.

Tim was all alone. It was official. He was left alone to face the wrath and insanity of Alex, and the supernatural powers of the man in the suit. No one could help him. He went out of refills months ago. The pills he got from Brian after throwing a hammer on his head are all gone. His therapist gave up on him years ago. All of his friends or colleges were dead, missing, crazy, or to ignorant to understand. Everyone left him alone to face the only real threats in his life.

He couldn't take it.

He knew it very well too. He knew he would die, most likely slow and painful, if he faced Alex or the man without a face. He knew this very well. So here he was; walking up the stairs to some unknown building. He was going to do it.

Tim Sutton was going to jump.


Sarah yawned and sprawled out on the couch, lazily turning on the TV as she waited for her friend to get out of the shower so they could have their private 'get better soon' party. Aka, they were gonna eat popcorn amd watch rated R horror movies after laughing their asses off at old horror movies. Sarah hummed as she flipped through the channels.

"Alright, you up for some 'Nightmare on Elm Street' Sarah?" Called that slightly annoying 'I'm always so god-damn happy about everything' voice. Sarah turned her head and sat up on the couch grinning at her friend "Hell yeah! But first I wanna check the weather. You know, make sure its gonna be as dark and stormy as we hoped!"

Brian sat next to her and adjusted the bandages around his head. It had been a mirical that he was alive. Aperantly, he was found knocked out in some old colledge auditorium or something. He had blunt force trauma to his head, but the weird thing is that he had no idea how he got there. This kind of thing happened a lot recently, it was freaking everyone out, but Brian just tried to make the most of it anyways. With this head injury he can lounge around and do nothing and not get in trouble for it.

As Sara flipped through the channels, trying and failing to find the weather channel, Brian's phone rang. He got up and looked at the caller ID; it was one of his friends from colledge, Seth.

Brian smirked and answered the phone "Seth!! Hey, man, how've you been!? God its been ages si-"

"Brian, get on the news channel right now." Seth cut him off, clearly very serious. Unusual for his typically shy and passive behavior. "Trust me, Brian. You of all people deserve to see what's going on right now."

With that, Seth hung up. Brian quickly put down the phone and changed the channel to the news. It showed someone standing on a very tall building, on a very windy and stormy night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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