Chapter 10: Siblings Together

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Jesse's POV:

Jesse's head was the first to poke out into the biggest room he'd seen in the Order's temple. The midday morning sun shone brightly off to the east. He could see it quite clearly, for the walls of the room had been demolished. The room was decorated with gold, stone brick, and chiseled stone blocks. At least, that's what Jesse collected from the remaining blocks. But the best part of the entire thing was a huge map of the entire world, which had a pedestal positioned in front of it.

"What happened to the walls?" Axel asked when he arrived.

"More like what happened to this whole place?" Nikki corrected, glancing around at the damaged walls.

"This must've been where they met!" Olivia theorized.

" now what?" Lukas wondered aloud.

"Gabriel said that the amulet would point the way," Nikki revealed, pulling the amulet out of her pocket. Jesse and the others gathered around her, and she held it up. For a few awkwardly silent moments, nothing happened. And nothing was going to happen.

"It was a dumb idea anyway," Olivia tried to cheer the team up, though Jesse couldn't see how it would do that.

"Let's look around. We're not done yet," Jesse suggested. That put everyone to work. After a bit of poking around, Jesse came to the pedestal in front of the map. It had an amulet banner on it. Maybe...this was where it was supposed to go?

"Hey, sis?" Jesse called out. "Can I see the amulet for a sec?" Nikki handed it over, confused, until Jesse placed it on the pedestal. A perfect fit, but still nothing happened. It looked like Jesse wasn't done with this puzzle. The final answer had to be somewhere...

Then, Jesse saw the levers and redstone lamp behind the pedestal. He gave them an experimental pull. After pulling them in a certain order, all the lights next to the map were alit, and the redstone lamp flickered to life. But that's not all it did. A light beacon light shot out from it, and connected with the amulet. Its colors shone onto the map in two more beams of light, pointing to specific locations.

"Best. Puzzle solver. Ever," Jesse patted himself on the back.

Nikki's POV:

Nikki stared in total bliss as a red and green light flashed over their heads and planted themselves on the map.

"It's absolutely incredible!" Olivia gaped. "How did they build this?"

"It's some sort of tracking system," Jesse realized. "This is what Gabriel wanted us to see!"

"But why?" Lukas wanted to know. Nikki had thought about that herself. She KNEW Gabriel had been trying to tell them something. That's when it hit her. The tracking? The previous story? Gabriel's remembrance of his teammates?

"We've got to find the Order of the Stone," she said aloud.

"But there are only two lights," Axel pointed out. "There are only two members of the Order left?"

"He said Soren was missing," Nikki mentioned.

"That leaves Magnus," Lukas said.

"Or Ellegaard," Olivia added.

"Suit up, you guys," Jesse said. "Let's get the Order back together."

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