Chapter Five.

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    When Taylor said that to Amanda, she was chocked and very sad. She wanted to visit Elizabeth,  who is waiting for her.

"But, why? " Amanda asked with a broken hearted face, looking at Taylor with tears.

"Harry's parents, the king and the queen are going here tomorrow, we need you" Taylor said it then she breathed a deep breath and put her hand on the other.

Amanda breathed and said "thanks god" in her self without any voice.

"I have to do the food right? " Amanda asked with a nervous look.

Taylor looked at her with a serious look.

"Of course, why Harry brought you here? " She said it then she left Amanda's room.

In the kitchen.

     Amanda was standing to prepare the food and the drinks for tomorrow because they would came early.

When she was standing, she felt a leg's voice in the kitchen. She looked behind her and she found prince Harry searching for a cup and tea too.

"Seriously? " Amanda said it then she laughed with a low voice.

"What? " He said it with a silly look.

"I think that this is my Job, prince" She said it then she took the cup to make his tea.

Suddenly, he took the cup from her hand with an angry look.

"Who you think you are to take the cup from my hand like this way? " He said it with a serious way then he completed the thing he was doing.

Amanda was chocked, she looked at him with big mouth and eyes then she got back to her work and shut her mouth up.

While Amanda was standing, preparing the food, she remembered Harry's creepy look. From that moment, she understood Stefanie's words "He is not nice" and what he did in his evil past.

She felt a hand on her back, she looked behind her with a big fear, but she was lucky to find Stefanie.

"Oh, you made me afraid" She said it then she closed her eyes then put her face in her hands and looked at the ground.

"Why? " Stefanie said it with a little laugh.

"Harry is creepy" She said it with a little voice, so no one can hear her.

"Why? " Stefanie asked with a scared face.

Amanda told her what happened ten minutes ago.

"Actually, he is little bit aggressive but don't be scared honey."Stefanie said it then she left the kitchen to see what does Taylor want from her to do.

She finished tomorrow food then she started to make the dinner's food.

While she was standing again, she heard Harry's voice. She was chocked and scared of him because of the look of one hour ago.

"Well, i'm not that type of men who go to the servants to ask them for the food." He said it with a jealous look.

Amanda looked with a "OMG" look then she walked to him putting her hand on the other, raising her left eyebrow.

"Misses Taylor told me two days ago, i'm a servant and you defended me!  Now i'm a servant?  Is this a double personality? " She said it when an angry look then she put her hands on his chest and warned him.

"How dare you, little girl? " He said it with an angry look too.

"You're twenty one, i'm nineteen! " She said it raising her eyebrows.

"What the hell is that? " He said it then he laughed.

She looked with a "EW" look.

"I came to apologize to you for the things i said one hour ago, forgive me please" He said it with a simple smile.

Amanda smiled then she removed it quickly and said : "Sorry, I'm not a doll"

Harry looked at her with a laugh then he left the kitchen. Amanda was surprised for what happened and completed her work.


On the royal table.

        All of them were sitting to eat, they were talking about a lot of things. Amanda and Stefanie were stalking on them in the kitchen and then they heard a third voice in the big room of the food.

"Go, Amanda"  Stefanie said it meaning

“see who is the third voice in the room .”

"Okay, i'm going now.  Shut up" she said it then she left the kitchen.

Amanda left and walked to them to say anything, she saw A young beautiful woman sitting next to Harry and talks.

"Prince Harry, Misses Taylor do you need the drinks right now? " She said it with a shy look then she looked at that woman.

"Wow, who is this adorable pretty girl harry? " She asked with a happy face.

Taylor looked at her with a chock.

"I told you right, she is the chef of the food, from england" He said it with a smile.

"She is so cute, hope she was your fiancé, a royal face really! " she said it with a lovely face looking at Amanda.

"That's enough really! " Taylor said it angrily and looked at her food.

"I'm kidding, but she is pretty" She said it with a happy face.

"Thank you Ma'am. " Amanda said it with a very joyful face.

"My name is Olivia by the way, I'm Harry's sister, yeah i don't look like them. " She said it with a happy face.

"Wow! I'm Amanda" She said it with a happy face.

"You ate your food? " She asked.

"Yes! " Amanda lied to go back to the kitchen.

"well, i hope that you join our table next time, tomorrow! Mom and dad would like to know you more" She told her with a smile and Amanda smiled too.

Amanda excused to leave and she left,feeling a little bit of happiness because of Olivia's words who really made her day.



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