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Dear Diary,

Papa Latto really died! This was crazy! Now we have to stay here! We can't leave Latto here alone. She's grieving! This is so terrible and unexpected! Just 2 days ago, he was happy and full of life. That heart attack had to be serious. I really feel bad for Latto, she hasn't left her room since the funeral. 2 days ago!

His funeral service was amazing! But not as amazing as Latto. Damn, she got me in love. I have a small confession... I've been thinking about leaving Key. I love him, but he just isn't the man I fell in love with. I'm sorry. Latto made me realize that. I love her, no scratch that! I'm in love with her! If it wasn't for Keytra, I would have left him a long time ago.

Maybe me and Latto can escape? Hmm?! Idk! But I really love her! And tbh, I don't think I've ever stopped. I might have hid my feelings when I was angry, cause you know anger over powers love. But she is truly what I've been missing all my life.

I'm just waiting for her to leave her room so I can be close to her again, being in her presence simply makes me happy! The type of happiness only she can give me. She brings out the best in me. I finally made it out being depressed!

I love this girl! But I know this is gonna tear Keytra apart! I love my daughter, and would do anything to make her happy, but now it's time that I make myself happy!

Deetranada Mulatto

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