Chapter 23

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Esme's P.O.V.

Bella falls asleep pretty quickly but she is holding onto me like her life depends on it. When she told me that she wanted to help me hurting those three for what they did i wanted to kiss her hard on the lips but she was facing away from me. She is so strong that it makes her even more beautiful to me.

When i heard her fall it almost broke my heart but what really caused it to break was when she told me that i didnt have to like her anymore because of the marks and that she was tainted. That sent my emotions into a frenzy and I couldnt help what I did next because my body took over.

Im broke from my thoughts when the door to our room opened and in came everyone.

"How's she holding up?" Jasper asks.

"She thinks shes tainted and that she would understand if I didnt want her anymore. She is in alot of pain but wont say anything about it. She wants to help me with the three of them so I have to wait." I tell them.

"She's strong Esme but make sure you stay beside her at all times. Tomorrow is going to be a rough day for her because of her thoughts so tell her otherwise and make her talk with you." Alice says.

She's seen it already so I nod my head and thank her.

"Im so sorry Esme. I should have took care of them that first day. If I did this wluldnt have happened to her. Its all my fault." Rosalie says to me.

Bella suddenly sits up and jumps from the bed attatching herself to Rosalie. Rosalie catches her barely and I see Jasper wincing.

"Bella I am so sorry please forgive me. I'm sorry I broke my promise to you. I will make it up to you somehow I promise you that." Rosalie says to her.

Alice turns on the bedroom light while Edward hands Bella a pen and notepad to write with.

This isnt your fault Rosalie. I dont blame you so please don't blame yourself. Please don't because it'll hurt me knowing that you are beating yourself up over something that isnt your fault. You dont have to make it up to me because you already have. You care about me like a sibling and I have never had that before. So thank you Rosalie and everyone else for letting me in this family and treating me so nicely even though i cant talk.

Bella writes.

Rosalie wraps her in a hug again and I see Jasper wincing even more. As soon as Rosalie lets Bella go I grab her and lay her in bed and Jasper gives me a thankful look. Bella notices and mouths sorry to him and he just waves it off.

"We want you to rest Bella and to get better. We'll leave you two alone and see you tomorrow Bella rest well." Edward says.

They all nod and leave the room shutting the door behind them but keeping the light on.

"Bella you have to tell me how much pain your in so I can help you." I say to her.

"I'm in alot of pain but i dont want you to worry about it. You make the pain go away." She says.

I lay down besides her and pull her body to me. I look her in the eye and lift the shirt up a little each second. She keeps eye contact with me and I stop when the shirt is to her boobs. I look down at her thighs and they are nothing but a bruise. Her thighs are purpleish so that's the bad bruise. I look up at her again and shes looking away from me and looking at the wall.

She's ashamed of herself. She doesn't want me to see her like this because she thinks ill be sickened by her. I lean down and gently kiss her thighs and she tenses up. I look up at her and she makes eye contact with me.

"You dont have to do that." She says.

"I knkw but I'm showing you that i dont care. You are perfect to me Bella and i want you to know that." I say.

"But how. They used my bodu and i did nothing to fight them off." She says.

"Bella I need to tell you something and you neex to listen to me." I say.

She nkds her head so i decide to continue.

"Before i was a vampire I had a husband. He beat me, raped me, and used me everyday. He got me pregnant and i didnt tell him so he took it out on me when he noticed my bump. He killed my child by stabbing me with a knife in my stomach. I survived it but I was depressed. The beatings got worst after that and he contiinually raped me anyway he wanted and could. One day he had to leave for work so I went to the cliff and I jumped off of it. I couldn't take living like that anymore so i was going to end it. Before i completely died Carlisle found me and changed me. He took me in and helped me and here i am today. I have you nlw and I am so grateful for it. You make me complete and i couldnt be happier to have a mate like you. Even though you feel like your tainted I see your beauty and i dont will love you no matter what." I tell her.

She conti he's to stare at me and then she grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me down t to her. She slams her lips on mine and i accept her kiss with eagernous. She does something that she's never done before and shoves her tongue in my mouth and I moan out in her mouth. I feel her chest move so in guessing she moaned as well. She pulls back to breathe but leaves her forehead against mine.

"In glad i have you too." She says.

I smile and peck her on the lips and then we lay down in bed and just enjoy each others company for the rest of the night.

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