"I really miss you but your time haven't come yet," she spoke, which it was confusing.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned her.

"Someone out there was waiting for you. I've seen her and heard her. She was perfect for you and I want you to spend the rest of your life with her."

I was speechless when my mother said like that. I mean...who is 'she' she was talking about.

"You look tired (y/n). How about I sing you to sleep like I always do?" She then start humming a song.

Slowly my eyes getting heavier and heavier. My body feel light, as if something carry me. Soon, I'm fully asleep.


Slowly I open my eyes and I was greet by a bright light. A faint beep can be heard. As my hearing getting clearer, the beeping getting louder. My vision getting brighter. Above me was not the sky but instead a white ceiling.

"Ah! You're awake! Its a miracle you've survive," spoke an unfamiliar voice.

I tried to turn around but it was painful. I groan softly.

"No dear. You still too weak to move. You just wake up from a coma," it spoke.

I manage to take a glimpse on who was talking. It was a women, more like a doctor working here. She was doing something with my IV but I don't care.

"How long am I out?" I ask her. She then look at me and stroke my messy (h/c) hair. Her touch was soft, like my mother.

"You've been out for 4 months. I thought that you may not live for the next month but I decided to not ended your life as I believe that you will live."

I nod weakly as I hear the doctor's explaination.

"I put all of my trust that you'll wake up someday, and now you did. You still young and have a life out there."

At that moment, I've just realize something. I do have a life and I do have a purpose on why I still keep living.

"By the way, there's someone was also waiting for you. I've always seen her. Every single day, I've seen her visiting you and continuously keep apologising to for, saying it was her fault for putting you into this."

Before I could ask, a voice come from the door.

"(Y/n)?" the voice called my name in surprise.

I manage to get up slowly and happen to see her at the door. Her eyes are wide open, feeling shocked to see me.

"I leave the both of you here," she said and vanish from my sight.

"Hye Miku. Sorry for worrying you too much," I apologise. Isn't it funny that once I woke up from a long coma, the first thing I said to her was an apology?

She look more alive unlike I saw her before I fell into a deep coma. Her skin look less paler than before and her hair are nicely tied into a two long pig tail.

Soon, her eyes filled with tears and start to cry.

"How could you say sorry when I'm the one who have to be blamed for allo of this. I'm so stupid to act like that!" she cried.

She walk towards me and surprise me with her hug. Surprisingly, her hug was soft and warm. Slowly I raise my arm and embrace her.

So this the feeling of embrace from the one who we adore so much. It was soft, caring and warm, full of procection and know that the person that we adore was always be beside you.

"I love you (y/n). I don't know how live without you. I'm really sorry." she said between her sobs.

Her words makes my heart flutter. I smile, knowing that I also love her. I release her embrace and look her deeply at her sparkling teal eyes. I held both of her cheeks and slowly pull her into a short yet warm kiss.

"I love you too Miku," I answered back. Her cheeks was blushing pink and smiled.

'I never meant to depend on you, on anyone, because I promised that I would never feel this way...

But now maybe I need you the way the earth need the sun to see another day...'


And that's is the end of this story of Miku x Suicide!Reader.

Too bad this story ends. I really enjoy writing this because I pour all of my emotion on making this...and having fun on ripping your heart.

The most fun part to write is the reunion of the reader and his mother. My heart tore in pieces when wrote it. Hope you can feel it and...LOVE YOUR MOM!

(I know. This is relatable

That's all from me. Don't forget to vote and comment this story and share it with your friend. Bye~


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