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My ghost went with me everywhere, so it was no surprise when he was with me on my first day of school.

My parents dropped my sister and I off. My mom had tears in her eyes, and my dad looked proud.

"We'll be here to pick you up when it's over," Mom promised, kissing my cheek and then Lily's.

"Look after each other, alright?" Dad ruffled each of our heads. He didn't know that my ghost would look after us, too. He was standing right there with us, and he looked just as proud as Dad did.

Lily was nervous about school, but I had my ghost to tell me what to do. He told me about what school was like, and all the things I would be expected to do. It wasn't so tough, having someone there to help. My ghost tried to help Lily, too, but he couldn't advise her like he did with me, since she couldn't hear him. Instead, he helped her physically, by keeping her pencil from rolling away, pulling a strand of hair out of her face, that sort of thing.

My ghost could only do the little things, but sometimes those are the most important.

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