settling in

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Apple jack pov

I was walkin to school since i didnt wanna use the limo.
I mean its cool and all but i didnt wanna cause attention to myself much .
On the way i started humming a little tune..

   (pick me up by, yours truely)
Yesterday was the past, but the memories, they shall last
And iiiii wont forgeet you!
Tomarrow holds a mystery
and i just gotta thank ya for the meeemmmmorrrries.

I just kept singing.

Oh oh ohohhh
Learnin to trust is harrrrd
Oh oh ohhh oh
But ahm willin to make a new starrt
Help me now, im fallin!!
Pick me up im fallin!!
Ah jus cant get over ya
And the memories are floodin, yahhhahah.
Pick me up ahm fallin over y-

I bumped into someone.
"Errr sorry bout that, ah wasnt payin any attention.." i said

"Heh, dont worry. I was distracted too!"  She said.

I looked up and saw that it was rainbow dash. I hope she didnt hear me sing...

"Hey aj, whats your first period? Mines science!"the spectrum hair girl exclaimed.
I showed her my schedule

"Sweet! We have 2 and 5 together!!" She said.
I was actually kinda happy because i didnt really wanna be alone durin gym and math.
I hated math but i was good at gym.

I laughed and went inside, after giving her a  high five.

Rainbow pov

I was walking to school when i heard the most sweetest voice.

I sounded like how honey taste
And it was smooth and silky.     
I just closed my eyes listening to   the little song when the person singing it bumped into me.
When applejack bumped into me.
I wanted to blush cause she was singing so pretty and i thought she would notice me listening.
Also she was pretty herself.
Her eyes like sparkling emeralds. Her gorgeous hair, golden in the sun. Her body shape, looked as if she lifted everyday. She was perfect.
I just stared at her blushing on the inside  when i heard ,"sorry ah wasn't payin any attention.."
Her silk like voice brought me back into reality.
"No no! Its fine, i was distracted
Myself!" I told her.
'Distracted about you and your singing ' said my mind inside.

She told me her classes and we have 2 and 5 together. Which is good because shes cool.
5 is gym. I love gym!
I love boasting about how awesome i am and my friends are surprisingly used to it.
Math is ok.. but its not gym so i just couldn't wait for that.
We walked in

~~~~~~~~period 5~~~~~~~~~
It was time for  gym and my favorite cowgirl said she would meet me there.
Coach said we were doing softball today which meant we were in the fields.
I changed into my gym clothes but frowned when i remembered how short my shorts were. I blushed thinking about them on applejack..
I then slapped myself because i was acting crazy . I then made my way outside.
The freckled girl was there alright. She had on a huge smile because she loved softball.
I stood by her and smiled.
She smiled back. "Ahm mighty excited, rainbow! Ah haven't played in forever!" She whispered yelled to me as coach instructed  us into teams.
I ,ironically, was placed on her team and we high fived.

"Miss.dash, your up to bat"
Coughed the old lady .

I stood at home, as sweat trickled down my brow.
I shifted my hands  on the bat as trixie wounded her arm back.
She threw it and without a moments hesitation i swung and hit it far. Seeing it roll past other girls as  i ran to first then second. I stopped at second.
Exclaimed the cowgirl. I blushed  as she gave me a thumbs up.
After scoring a point for the time it was finally her turn.
"You got this aj!!" I called to her.

She licked her lips as she stood at home, shifting her hands and
Bending her knees.
Trixie threw the ball and a loud WHACK was heard.
We all watched as the white ball  soared through the sky. Applejack had hit a homerun and my team went crazy.  I was so surprised at her amazing arm i yelled, "WOOHOO, APPLEJACK!! THAT WAS SO AWESOME!! GREAT JOB APPLEJACK!! WOOH!!"
I kept yelling.
She made her way back to home and was greeted by   hugs and high fives from the team.
I gave her a huge hug .
I noticed she blushed and  she knew she was too.
She quickly turned her head, covering her face with her Stetson .
I laughed harder because that was adorable.

Our team had won after applejack and i scored about 7 more points. To be honest we were a pretty good team.
She had an amazing arm and i just felt good knowing she was friend . After class we refreshed ourselves and went to the last class, tired.
~~~~~time skip to dismissal~~~
Applejacks pov

That day was one heck of a good day. We played soft ball and i even scored a homerun!
I could tell rainbow was impressed which made me happy. After gym i refreshed  myself and made my way to tge last period of the day.
The subject, reading ,was  alright because we had a sub.
After the bell rang and the teenage explosion i made my way to the front doors of the school.
"Hey aj! Wait up!" Yelled my friend rainbow.
"Howdy sugarcube! That game was a fun one, huh?" I asked, already  knowing the anwser.
"ARE YOU KIDDING? IT WAS AWSOME!" She yelled, making me blush lightly.
"Where did you learn how to hit like that?" She asked.
I just shrugged and asked her."hey rd, wanna walk together? Ah kinda don't wanna walk alone." "Nah its ok, why walk when i have a motorcycle?
I can drop you off" she offered and i happily agreed.
She got on her motorcycle tossing me a spare helmet.
I climbed on after her, wrapping my arms around her waist which made me blush even more.
She giggled and started the engine.
When we were on the road after me giving her my address all i felt were butterflies.
I leaned my head on her shoulder unknowingly . I liked how it felt so i stayed how i was.
After pulling up towards the mansion gate she gasped .
"Aj... this is one heck of a house..." she said, amazed.
"Eh its ok, not really mah kind of living buts its certainly cool."
I replied
"Well ok aj, we are here." She said helping me down.
I stepped off the motorcycle,
Hand in hers and blushed.
"Thanks, rainbow, For the best day ever." I said rather weirdly
She smiled as she ran towards me,  quickly pecking my cheek.
"See ya" she said driving off.
I stood there frozen. She just kissed my cheek. Rainbow dash just kissed my cheek. I felt myself going red as  one more fact of realization hit me.

    She kissed me and i like it.

Ok, sugarcubes! That was the
The chapter! What didja think? Didja like it? I had fun writing it! As if i was actually in the story! Let me know what yall thought. Again, ahm truly sorry it took forever to update so i hoped i made it up for that with this longer chapter. Ah love ya guys!

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