Life sucks.

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Walking through the city yet again just to find food because the damn care taker can't feed us. If I could leave that forsaken place I would but the only reason I stay is because the cops will come find me like last time and they said last time that if I leave I won't get another chance in a foster home or orphanage they will just take me away. To where I don't know because I wasn't listening to a word those pigs were saying. I finally make it to my favorite restaurant. It's a little restaurant and its hidden in the deepest part of the city so not a lot of people come to it. There is this old blind guy that I have grown to like and I help him clean after hours for no pay at all just for a meal and he agrees. I like him because I consider him like family. He doesn't have much other than his noodle shop and me and some favorite secret costumers I have yet to see but i know they always come when I leave but one day I will see these "secret" costumers, one day. Anyway I walk up and do my little bit of cleaning and grab my meal and talk for a little before I have to go back to the hell I live in. Before leaving I get stopped by Mr.Murakami.
"Thank you Alex you don't know how much it means for u to help an old blind man like me."
I laugh and smile.
"Always Mr.Murakami thank you for the delicious noodles. I swear they get better every time sir."
He sits and smiles and starts setting out plates.
"Those for your secret costumers?"
He nods and he sits in his old wooden chair behind the counter.
"Yes it is Friday night. They love to visit on Fridays and I enjoy the company."
I smile and head to the door.
"Well Mr.Murakami I'm gonna head out now . See ya tomorrow."
He waves good bye and I head back into the dreadfully busy city of New York. I pull up my hood and run all the way to the apartment building I stay in. I get there and pray that the witch isn't home. I go up the flight of stairs and sneak through the front door. I see the twins on the couch already asleep and then I look on the kitchen table and see her purse there and I try to sneak to my room as quickly as possible. Before I could open my door she screamed my name.
I sighed in annoyance at what was to come.
"Yes Sharice."
She steps out of the bathroom with her face green and her hair in curlers. Man that's what a monster looks like.
"Was out walking around Sharice."
"You were supposed to be home 15 minutes ago and you're late."
I went to open my mouth and she held up her hand.
"You are no longer aloud to do these little walks you do. End of discussion."
"That's bull I was only a little late."
Before I could say anything else I felt a sudden pain to me cheek and a burning sensation. Sharice slapped me. I said nothing and just went into my room and locked the door. I played my music and pull out a picture that Sharice didn't take away from me. It was a photo of my family from two years ago at the beach man what a good time that was. Before I was sent to this hell I lived a happy life with my brother, mother, and father. I had everything was taken from me just because of a drunk driver.           ~flashback~
  The lights of the passing lamppost lighting up the streets was beautiful at night. It gave the street a new found life that isn't seen during the day. I look over to my brother and see him not even paying attention to the world around him just his phone and the music and then I look at my parents and see them holding hands and just enjoying the silence. I smile at the cuteness of it and go back to watching the beautiful night and thinking about all its wonders. I smile and look at the stars wondering what it would be like to just touch them. Before I knew it there was a loud crash ,screaming , and pain lots and lots of pain.
                         ~end of flash back~
Tears slide down my face as I sit there holding the picture. I feel so tired of being in this hell so I'm done. I know when I don't belong and I defiantly don't belong so I got up and hey packed a little bag and folded up the family photo and put it in my pocket. I put on my hoodie and opened up the window and crawled out into New York. I snuck away and climbed to the roof on the fire escape. I see the beautiful lights of the city shining bright on this cold winter night. I jump from roof to roof getting further and further away from  that hell hole of a foster home. I stop and catch my breath before continuing. I suddenly hear voices in the alley next to me. I sneak over to the edge and look and see some purple dragons selling stuff to these guys in suits. I watch and get bored and go to stand before a crash is heard and I freeze , hoping nobody heard. I try and sneak away before being stopped by one of those guys in suits. 
   "Hey look buddy I was just leaving. So if you would just let me past."
He says nothing and moves as I move.
    "Look dude just move out of my way."
He stands there with a blank facial expression and roughly grabs my arm.
I was beating him but I hurt my hands but I didn't stop. It felt like I was wailing on metal.
   "LET ME GO!!!!!!"
Then I see one guy walk in front of me with a bat.
   "What do you want?"
He smiled wickedly.
  "Nighty night."
He swings the bat upside my head and I feel pure pain but my vision is hazy but I stay awake.
  "Not going out huh? Well next times the charm."
He swings it and before it hits me again someone grabs it. I can only see green outlines of these figures. I hear fighting and yells and grunts. Finally I am taken away and some one is holding me and running away from the fight. I look up at the figures face and notice he is wearing a red mask and I see bright emerald green eyes. I was so amazed on how serious this creature looked but I cried out as my head begin to throb. I feel us stop and his grip on me is tighter. I hear him speak but I hear no words coming out. I look back up at his emerald green eyes and grab his mask before everything turns to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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